magistrsko delo
Lucija Kovač (Author), Vojko Strojnik (Reviewer), Petra Prevc (Consultant), Katja Tomažin (Mentor)


Cilj magistrske naloge je bil preveriti učinke integracije vadbenih postaj v bivalno okolje starejših. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 84 starejših oseb, ki smo jih razdelili na dve kontrolni in dve vadbeni skupini. V prvi vadbeni skupini je bilo 25 starostnikov (64 ± 3 leta), ki so bili stanovalci Doma starejših občanov Fužine (VAD DSO), v drugi vadbeni skupini je bilo 23 članov Dnevnega centra aktivnosti Fužine (VAD CAF) (66,3 ± 4,4 let). Vadbeni skupini sta uporabljali ravnotežno stezo integrirano v svoje bivalno okolje, kontrolni skupini, ki nista uporabljali ravnotežne steze, sta ohranili raven svojih vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. Pred in po vadbeni intervenciji smo izvedli teste statičnega in dinamičnega ravnotežja (testi senzorične organizacije – stoje na tenziometrski plošči ter Y-test) ter modificirani mini BESTest. Med samo vadbeno intervencijo smo z Likertovo lestvico spremljali stališča starejših do vadbe ravnotežja, oceno zahtevnosti vadbe in število ponovitev vaj na posameznih postajah. Rezultati naših meritev so pokazali, da so imeli člani CAF podobna stališča ne glede na zahtevnost same vaje in na teden, v katerem so vajo izvajali, medtem ko se je pri stanovalcih DSO pokazala nekoliko nižja ocena tako pri lažjih, kot tudi težjih vajah. Pri ocenjevanju zahtevnosti vadbe je bila pri članih CAF in stanovalcih DSO ocena zahtevnosti lažjih in težjih vaj podobna, ne glede na teden vadbe. Pri rezultatih uporabe steze je skozi štiri tedne delež uporabe lažjih vaj upadel, narastel pa je delež uporabe težjih vaj. Pri vseh testih senzorne organizacije pri VAD CAF ni prišlo do statistično značilnega znižanja skupne hitrosti oprijemališča sile reakcije podlage (OSRP) in hitrosti OSRP v AP in ML smeri. Pri VAD DSO se je statistično značilno znižanje skupne hitrosti OSRP pokazalo v pogojih paralelne stoje na trdi podlagi z odprtimi očmi, medtem ko pri ostalih parametrih ni prišlo do statistično značilnih razlik. Pri Y-testu je pri VAD CAF IN KON CAF prišlo do izboljšanja rezultata v vseh treh smereh dosega. Pri VAD DSO in KON DSO je do izboljšanja prišlo v postero-medialni in postero-lateralni smeri, medtem ko je rezultat v anteriorni smeri izboljšala le skupina VAD DSO. Pri rezultatih mini BESTesta je bilo povprečno število pri članih CAF višje kot pri stanovalcih DSO. Integracija vadbenih postaj za ravnotežje v bivalno okolje lahko pozitivno vpliva na izboljšanje ravnotežja starejših in s tem deluje kot prevencija pred padci, hkrati pa skupinsko izvajanje vaj spodbuja med vrstniško sodelovanje ter s tem pozitivno vpliva na socialno vključenost in osamljenost, kar je pomembno predvsem pri starejših, ki živijo v domovih za ostarele.


šport;starostniki;starejši ljudje;integracija;vadbene postaje;bivalno okolje;ravnotežje;senzorni sistemi;vpliv starosti;učinek vadbe;ravnotežne naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [L. Kovač]
UDC: 796.012.266-053.88
COBISS: 27628291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 450
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development and integration of balance training stations in the living environment of the elderly
Secondary abstract: The aim of the master's thesis was to examine the effects of the integration of balance training stations in the living environment of the elderly people. The study involved 84 elderly people, which we dividet into 2 control and 2 exercise groups. In the first group were 25 elderly people (64 ± 3 years), who lived in a senior citizens home in Fužine (stanovalci DSO). The second group were 23 active elderly (66,3 ± 4,4 years), who engaged in daily activities in the activity center Fužine (člani CAF). The exercise groups were using the integraded balance training stations, the control groups were not using the balance stations and continued in their daily activities as before. Before and after the exercise intervention we performed static and dinamic balance tests (stands on tensiometric plate and Y-test). During the intervention we monitored how the elderly liked the exercised, how difficult it seemed to them and how many exercises were they performing during the week. The results of our measurments showed, that »člani CAF« had similar views of how they liked the exercises, regardless of the complexity of the exercise itself and the week in which they performed the exercise, while »stanovalci DSO« showed a slightly lower score for both loghter and harder exercises. In the results of the use of the track, the share of the use of lighter exercises decreased over four weeks, while the share of the use of heavier exercises increased. In all sensory organization tests in VAD CAF, there was no statistically significant decrease in the total ground reaction force (OSRP) grip velocity and the OSRP velocity in the AP and ML directions. In VAD DSO group, a statistically significant decrease in total OSRP velocity was seen under conditions of parallel standing on a hard surface with open eyes, while no statistically significant differences occurred in the other parameters. In the Y-test, VAD CAF and KON CAF members in the training and control groups improved their score in all three directions. In VAD DSO in KON DSO group, there was an improvement in both groups in the postero-medial and postero-lateral direction, while the result in the anterior direction was improved only by the exercise group. According to the results of the mini BESTest, the numer overall score was higher in CAF members, then in DSO residents. The integration of balance training stations into the living environment can have a positive effect on improving the balance of the elderly and thus act as a prevention against falls. Group implementation of exercises encourages peer cooperation and has a positive effect on social inclusion and loneliness, which is especially important for the elderly who live in nursing homes.
Secondary keywords: sport;elderly;balance;integration;exercise station;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 176 f.
ID: 11983510