[magistrsko delo]
Tadeja Bantan (Author), Vesna Klokočovnik (Mentor), Dušan Devetak (Co-mentor)


Preučevali smo izbiro habitata pri ličinkah dveh vrst volkcev lijakarjev, Euroleon nostras in Myrmeleon formicarius. Izbira primernega mesta za gradnjo lijaka je zelo pomembna in odvisna od različnih dejavnikov. Raziskali smo preferenco do habitata na osnovi različnih abiotskih in biotskih dejavnikov, kot so zrnavost substrata, vlaga, vpliv osvetljenosti ter prisotnosti drugega osebka. Ličinke so izbirale med štirimi različnimi granulacijami peska. Za najustreznejšo sta obe vrsti izbrali granulacijo peska z zrnavostjo od 230-540 m2. Nadalje smo ugotavljali, katera granulacija je druga in tretja najbolj ustrezna izbira, v kolikor je ustreznejša navlažena. Ličinke obeh vrst so kazale podobno preferenco do granulacij peska, od G2 (230-540), nato G1 (110-230 %m) ali G3 (540-1000 %m). Ličinkam ne ustreza granulacija G4 (1000-1540 %m). Ugotovili smo, da oba dejavnika, vlažnost substrata in granulacija, vplivata na izbiro substrata pri ličinkah. Nadalje smo preverili, kako na ličinke vplivata sprememba osvetljenosti in prisotnost drugega osebka. Večina ličink E. nostras je zgradila lijak v osenčenem delu posode, ob prisotnosti drugega osebka, tudi v primerih, ko sta v posodi bila dva osebka iste ali različnih vrst. Predvidevamo, da so za vrsto pomembnejši abiotski dejavniki v habitatu, manj pa interakcije. V nasprotju so ličinke M. formicarius kazale preferenco do osvetljenega dela ter večje oddaljenosti od drugega osebka, zato so ličinke v parih gradile lijake tudi na osenčenem delu posode. Predvidevamo, da interakcije in posledično tekmovalnost (kompeticija) med osebki močneje prizadeneta ličinke vrste M. formicarius.


magistrska dela;volkci;Euroleon nostras;Myrmeleon formicarius;vlaga;granulacija peska;osvetljenost;interakcija;izbira habitata;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [T. Bantan]
UDC: 595.74:592/599(043.2)
COBISS: 34630659 Link will open in a new window
Views: 488
Downloads: 50
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of biotic and abiotic factors on habitat choice in two species of antlions (neuroptera, myrmeleontidae)
Secondary abstract: In this study, we investigated the habitat choice of larvae of the two antlion species, Euroleon nostras and Myrmeleon formicarius, depending on various factors, such as substrate particle size, moisture, exposure to light and the presence of another specimen. Larvae were offered substrate with four different particle sizes and for both species the most appropriate substrate is G2 (230-540 %m). Furthermore, we were trying to find out which substrate is the second and the third most appropriate if the suitable one is not avaiable, is humidified. Both species showed similar preference to sand granulation, from G2 (230-540 %m), then G1 (110-230 %m) or G3 (540%1000 %m). G4 (1000-1540 %m) is not suitable for any of the species. Both abiotic factors, moist and granulations, are important for the choice of habitat. In addition, we were researching the effect of light/shadow conditions and the presence of another specimen on the habitat choice in both species. We found out that E. nostras larvae prefer shadow conditions and in the presence of other specimen larvae prefer to choose the best conditions according to abiotic factors despite the possible interactions. In contrast, M. formicarius showed a preference for the illuminated part of the dish and the preference for distance from specimen in pair. According to this, some larvae constructed pits in non-preferred or shadowed parts of the dish. We, therefore, hypothesize that interactions, and consequently competition between species strongly affect M. formicarius species.
Secondary keywords: master theses;antlions;Euroleon nostras;Myrmeleon formicarius;moisture;sand;granulation;light;interactions;habitat selection;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VI, 45 f
ID: 11988577