diplomsko delo
Nina Kociper (Author), Srečo Dragoš (Mentor)


Vse več ljudi ostaja v domačem okolju, pomoč pa jim nudijo ožji družinski člani, sosedje ali prijatelji. Ker pa osebe, ki pomoč nudijo, takega bremena ne prenesejo, se velikokrat poslužujejo pomoči na domu. To izvajajo formalni oskrbovalci, na domu uporabnika, sam proces pomoči pa je individualno prilagojen potrebam in željam uporabnika. V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočila na storitev pomoči na domu v občini Medvode. Želela sem izvedeti, če so uporabniki z oskrbo, ki je na voljo, zadovoljni in, če bi kaj spremenili. Velik del oskrbe predstavljajo tudi oskrbovalci, zato sem se v svoji raziskavi osredotočila tudi na njih. Zanimalo me je, če obstajajo težave, s katerimi se na terenu srečujejo in, kako se s temi težavami spopadajo, jih rešujejo. Poleg tega so me zanimali tudi njihovi predlogi za izboljšavo oskrbe. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so uporabniki s samo storitvijo zadovoljni. Moti jih le to, da oskrbo prejemajo le nekajkrat tedensko, ne vsakodnevno in, da se oskrbovalke menjajo. Zato so kot možnosti izboljšave predlagali povečanje števila ur in stalnost oskrbovalk. Zaposleni, s katerimi sem opravila intervjuje, so med težavami, s katerimi se na terenu največkrat spopadajo, izpostavili predvsem željo uporabnikov po sodelovanju z dotičnimi oskrbovalci. Pravijo tudi, da se večkrat srečajo z uporabniki, ki si pomoči ne želijo. Omenjene težave največkrat rešujejo s pomočjo komunikacije. Pri reševanju jim pomagajo tudi izobraževanja, teoretične in praktične narave. Njihovi predlogi za izboljšanje storitve tako zajemajo več izobraževanj in povečanje števila zaposlenih. To bi omogočilo razbremenitev že zaposlenih in večjo kakovost opravljene storitve. Želijo si tudi višjih plač in več dni dopusta.


stari ljudje;potrebe;socialna oskrba;skupnostna skrb;pomoč na domu;zadovoljstvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [N. Kociper]
UDC: 364-783.4
COBISS: 34840579 Link will open in a new window
Views: 305
Downloads: 86
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Domiciliary care for elderly people in municipality of Medvode
Secondary abstract: More and more people are staying in their home environment, with the help of close family members, neighbours or friends. However, because the people who provide help do not bear such a burden, they often use help at home. This is done by formal caregivers, at the user's home, and the help process itself is individually tailored to the needs and wishes of the user. In my diploma thesis I focused on the home help service in the municipality of Medvode. I wanted to find out if users are satisfied with the care available and if there is anything they would like to change. A large part of care is also provided by caregivers, so in my research I also focused on them. I was interested in whether there are problems they face in the field and how they deal with these problems, how they resolve them. In addition, I was also interested in their suggestions for improving care. The results of the survey showed that users are satisfied with the service itself. The only thing that bothers them is that they receive care only a few times a week, not every day, and that the caregivers change. Therefore, they suggested increasing the number of hours and the continuity of caregivers as opportunities for improvement. Among the problems they most often face in the field, the employees I interviewed highlighted the desire of users to work with the caregivers in question. They also say that they often meet users who do not want help. These problems are most often solved through communication. Education, both theoretical and practical, also helps them to solve this problem. Their suggestions for improving the service thus include more training and an increase in the number of employees. This would relieve the burden on existing employees and increase the quality of the service provided. They also want higher wages and more days off.
Secondary keywords: elderly people;needs;care;home help;satisfaction;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (54 str.))
ID: 11990106