diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Simona Sedonja (Author), Regina Fuchs-Godec (Mentor), Urban Bren (Co-mentor)


S klasično elektrokemijsko potenciodinamsko metodo smo proučevali inhibitorni vpliv treh naravnih produktov, dostopnih v široki potrošnji, na bakru v kislem mediju. Izbrali smo t. i. »čebelje produkte« v treh različicah in sicer: propolis, matični mleček in apisirup. V primeru propolisa smo baker predhodno zaščitili s plastjo, ki je nastala po potopitvi vzorca v etanolno raztopino stearinske kisline ob dodatku različnih koncentracij propolisa (c = 0,5-%, 1,0-%, 2,0-% ter 4,0-%). S tem smo dosegli hidrofoben karakter modificirane površine bakra, kar se je pokazalo kot rezultat z najvišjo vrednostjo inhibicijske učinkovitosti η = 93-99 %. Hidrofobna površina namreč otežuje neposreden kontakt z vodnimi raztopinami, kar simulirana raztopina kislega dežja nedvomno tudi je. Matični mleček in apisirup pa sta bila v procesu eksperimenta neposredno dodana v korozivni medij. Dosežena vrednost inhibicijske učinkovitosti je bila v tem primeru nekoliko nižja η = 80-97 %, kar pripisujemo tekmovalnemu odnosu med procesom adsorpcije in desorpcije inhibitorja na površino bakra. Desorpcija je nedvomno povzročena s korozijskimi reakcijami oz. je odvisna od hitrosti le-teh. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov lahko zatrdimo, da so vsi trije inhibitorji za izbran korozijski sistem dosegli visoko stopnjo inhibicije, kar jih uvršča med potencialne inhibitorje korozijskih procesov.


korozija;inhibitor;propolis;potenciodinamska metoda;inhibicijska učinkovitost;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Sedonja]
UDC: 620.197.3(043.2)
COBISS: 31870467 Link will open in a new window
Views: 322
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The inhibitive effect of propolis as a corrosion inhibitor for construction materials
Secondary abstract: Using the classical electrochemical potentiodynamic method, the inhibitory effect of three natural products, available for large consumption, on copper in an acid medium, was studied. The so called "bee products" of three versions, namely: propolis, royal jelly and apisirup, were chosen. In the case of propolis, the copper was modified with a layer which was formed after the immersion of the sample in an ethanolic solution of stearic acid with the addition of different concentrations of propolis (c = 0.5-%, 1.0-%, 2.0-%, 4.0-%). Thus the hydrophobic character of the modified copper surface was achieved, which led to the highest value of the inhibition efficiency η = 93-99%. This hydrophobic surface makes direct contact with aqueous solutions difficult, which is undoubtedly the case with the simulated acid rain solution. During the experiment, royal jelly and apisirup were added directly into the corrosive medium. The achieved value of the inhibition efficiency in this case was slightly lower η = 80 97%, which is due to the competitive relationship between the process of adsorption and desorption of the inhibitor on the copper surface. Desorption is undoubtedly caused by corrosion reactions, i.e. it depends on their speed. On the basis of the results obtained, it can be concluded that all three inhibitors achieved a high degree of inhibition for the chosen corrosion system, making them potential inhibitors of corrosion processes.
Secondary keywords: corrosion;inhibitor;propolis;potentiodynamic method;inhibitory efficiency;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 34 str.
ID: 11991139
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