magistrsko delo
Alona Sova (Author), Barbara Bradač Hojnik (Mentor)


Internacionalizacija podjetja postaja vedno pomembnejša za podjetja, poslovanje, rast in razvoj podjetja ter obstoj in ohranjanje svojega tržnega deleža. Internacionalizacija lahko poteka na različne načine. Na vstop na tuje trge vpliva veliko različnih dejavnikov. Zelo pomemben pri internacionalizaciji je vpliv kulture na poslovanje v tujih državah. V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, ali kultura res vpliva na internacionalizacijo in poslovanje v tujini ter kakšna je njena vloga pri tem in ali se lahko zaradi kulture spremenijo poslovanje, oblika vstopa na tuji trg in komuniciranje na tujem trgu. V delu smo proučili kulturne dejavnike, model Lewisa, kulturne dimenzije po Hofstedu in vpliv vsega tega na poslovanje podjetja v tujih državah. Najbolj nas je zanimalo, kako se razlikuje poslovanje v Sloveniji, na Kitajskem in v ZDA ter kakšne so te razlike. Za proučevanje smo izbrali tri podjetja: KRKA, d. d., Agencija SPIN, d. o. o., in Tovarna olja GEA, d. o. o. Ugotovili smo naslednje: kulturni dejavniki pri nobenem od podjetij ne vplivajo na način internacionalizacije (način vstopanja na tuji trgi), vplivajo pa na poslovanje podjetja v tujih državah. Vsa podjetja so se srečala s kolektivizmom in spoštovanjem hierarhije na Kitajskem in počasnim poslovanjem ter z ostalimi kulturnimi dejavniki. V ZDA je zelo hiter tempo življenja. Ugotovili smo, da se primerjani profili držav po modelu Lewisa razlikujejo po obnašanju in poslovanju. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se v različnih državah razlikuje ponudba, ker ljudje zaradi svojih navad povprašujejo po različnih izdelkih. Proučevali smo tudi podjetniško kulturo. Ta obsega odnos ljudi (posameznikov) do podjetništva, medijsko podpora podjetništva in to, koliko ljudi bi izbralo podjetništvo kot karierno pot. To je prav tako pomembno, saj če država in ljudje slabo podpirajo podjetništvo, je stanje le-tega v določeni državi slabo in tako je tam zelo težko poslovati. Značilnosti podjetništva so povezane tudi z razvitostjo države. Obstajajo tri vrste razvitosti države: faktorsko, učinkovitostno in inovacijsko gospodarstvo. V magistrskem delu smo primerjali eno državo, ki ima razvito faktorsko gospodarstvo – Indijo, tri države, ki imajo razvito učinkovitostno gospodarstvo – Kitajsko, Južno Afriko in Savdsko Arabijo, in tri inovacijske države – ZDA, Slovenijo in Avstralijo. Ugotovili smo, da imajo faktorska gospodarstva najslabše stanje podjetniške kulture.


internacionalizacija;kultura;medkulturne razlike;kultura podjetja;tuji trgi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Sova]
UDC: 005.73
COBISS: 35590915 Link will open in a new window
Views: 487
Downloads: 101
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of culture in internationalization on the cases of Slovenian enterprises
Secondary abstract: The internationalization of the company is becoming increasingly important for companies’ existence, business, growth and development of the company and maintenance of its market share. Internationalization can take place in a variety of ways. Entry into foreign markets is influenced by many different factors. The influence of culture on doing business in foreign countries is very important in internationalization. In the master’s thesis we wanted to find out whether culture importantly affects internationalization and doing business abroad and what is its role in this process, and whether culture can change business, the type of entry into a foreign market and communication in a foreign market. In this thesis, we explore the cultural factors, according to the Lewis model, the cultural dimensions according to Hofstede, and their impact on the company's operations in foreign countries. We were most interested in how business differs in Slovenia, China, and the USA and what these differences are. We selected three companies from Slovenia for the case studies: KRKA, d. d., SPIN Agency, d. o. o., and GEA Oil Factory, d. o. o. We found the following: cultural factors in none of the companies affect the way of entering foreign markets, but they do affect the company's operations in foreign countries. All companies have encountered collectivism and respect for the hierarchy in China and slow doing business and other cultural factors. In USA, the main characteristic is to have very fast tempo of life. We established, that included country profiles according to the Lewis model differ regarding their behavior in life and business. We also found that supply varies among those countries, because people demand different products because of their habits. We also studied entrepreneurial culture. This includes the attitude of people (individuals) towards entrepreneurship, media support for entrepreneurship and how many people would choose entrepreneurship as a career path. This is also an important factor, because the support for entrepreneurship in a particular country is connected to characteristics of doing business in this country. The characteristics of entrepreneurship are also related to the developmental level of the country. There are three developmental levels of countries, namely factor, efficiency, and innovation economies. In the thesis, we compared one coutnry from factor economy - India, three countries within efficiency economy - China, South Africa and Saudi Arabia, and three coutnries from innovation economies - the USA, Slovenia and Australia. Among findings for those countries is, that the factor economies have the worst state of entrepreneurial culture.
Secondary keywords: Internationalization;cultural factors;entrepreneurial culture;GEM analysis;foreign markets.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: V, 107 str.
ID: 11993149