preventiva in kurativa v Republiki Sloveniji
Lea Čušin (Author), Teodora Ivanuša (Mentor)


Čas v katerem živimo, je poln stresnih okoliščin, pritiska, nelagodja, … zaradi česar ljudje v življenju iščemo nekaj, s čimer bi se sprostili in našli svoje zadovoljstvo, mir in lagodje. Veliko ljudi za uresničitev svojih ciljev izbere napačna sredstva, kar je lahko zanje nevarno. Vse odvisnosti so se začele nedolžno, samo z enim kozarcem alkoholne pijače, samo z enim kosom torte, samo z enim dimom marihuane, … Ko človek začne iskati uteho v določeni stvari in le tam najde smisel življenja, lahko nedolžna tolažba hitro pripelje do odvisnosti. Namen našega diplomskega dela je, da bralcem predstavimo preventivne in kurativne programe za pomoč uživalcem drog, hkrati pa jim želimo predstaviti Center za zdravljenje odvisnih od prepovedanih drog Psihiatrične klinike Ljubljana. Naš cilj je, da na podlagi virov raziščemo, kakšno je stanje na področju preventive in kurative v Republiki Sloveniji, hkrati pa želimo s pomočjo intervjuja s predstojnikom Centra ugotoviti, kako poteka zdravljenje uživalcev prepovedanih drog. V diplomski nalogi raziščemo problem zlorabe prepovedanih substanc, problem preventive in problem kurative. Ugotovimo, da ima uporaba drog negativne posledice tako za posameznika kot tudi za družbo. Velik poudarek imamo na kurativi in malo premajhen na preventivi, saj je ta za državo velik finančni zalogaj. Za zmanjšanje števila odvisnih od prepovedanih substanc bi potrebovali veliko sredstev in spremenjeno zakonodajo na področju uporabe drog.


odvisnost;zdravljenje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [L. Čušin]
UDC: 613.8
COBISS: 35432707 Link will open in a new window
Views: 434
Downloads: 79
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Addiction treatment: prevention and curative care in the republic of slovenia
Secondary abstract: The times we live in are full of stressful situations, pressure, uncomfortableness and etc., which is the reason why we are looking for something in life to relax us and help us find our pleasure, peace and ease. A lot of people choose the wrong means to do so, which can be dangerous. All addictions usually started off as an innocent one-time experience; by drinking just one glass of alcohol, eating just one piece of cake or inhaling just one smoke of marihuana. When a human starts looking for consolation in a certain way and eventually finds the meaning of life in it, an innocent event like that can quickly lead to addiction. The purpose of our thesis is to present the readers with preventive and curative programmes for helping addicts, and to present them the Center for Treatment of Drug Addiction , University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana. Our goal is to discover and assess the status of the preventive and curative techniques in the Republic of Slovenia, and to find out about the process of treatment of addictions with the help of an interview with Mr Andrej Kastelic, MD, PhD of the previously mentioned Center. In the thesis we investigate the problem of the abuse of illegal substances, the problem of preventive and curative treatment techniques. We find out that the use of illegal drugs carries negative consequences for the society as much as the individual. We have a big emphasis on the curative side, and a lesser one on the preventive side, as the latter presents a great financial problem for the state. We would need a lot of funding and a changed drug legislation for decrease in number of addicted members of our society .
Secondary keywords: drugs;addiction;preventive;curative;the Republic of Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: IX, 86 f.
ID: 11993662
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