diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Klemen Doplihar (Author), Maša Knez Hrnčič (Mentor), Darija Cör (Co-mentor)


Topnost farmacevtskih učinkovin je ena izmed najbolj pomembnih lastnosti. Ravno pravšnja topnost zdravila pomeni razliko med učinkovitim in neučinkovitim zdravilom. Nova zdravila imajo slabo topnost v vodi, zato vedno več farmacevtskih združb uporablja superkritične fluide za izboljšanje topnosti. Na topnost substance vplivajo tlak, temperatura, dodatek substanc, velikost delcev itd. Pri tem pa moramo paziti, da z eksperimenti ne poškodujemo strukture zdravila, saj lahko to povzroči spremembo v topnosti, biorazpoložljivosti in toksičnosti. Postopki, kot so določanje topnosti s superkritičnimi fluidi, RESS, PGSS in SAS, so se zelo razvili, kar je korak v pravo smer za sintezo zdravil. Diplomska naloga prikazuje določanje topnosti naproksena s superkritičnim CO2 pri različnih tlakih in temperaturah ter dodatkom različnih koncentracij so-topil. Za proces mikronizacije sta bila uporabljena procesa RESS in SAS, s katerima smo spremenili velikost in obliko delcev. Ugotovili so, da se topnost izboljša z višanjem temperature in z višanjem gostote raztopine oz. z višanjem tlaka. Dokazano je bilo, da je dodatek so-topila v splošnem povečal topnost naproksena, kjer je najboljši učinek imel 2-propanol. Največji učinek je imelo so-topilo pri najnižji koncentraciji le-tega. Procesa mikronizacije sta bila uspešna, saj so se delci zmanjšali v mikro in nano območje. Posnetki slik s SEM so pokazali, da so bili delci manjši pri procesu SAS, vendar je XRD graf pokazal, da so se delci naproksena strukturno spremenili, kar pa ima vpliv na topnost in biorazpoložljivost naproksena.


naproksen;topnost;superkritični fluid;ogljikov dioksid;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [K. Doplihar]
UDC: 544.351.3-139(043.2)
COBISS: 32385283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 478
Downloads: 52
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Formulation naproxen in polymers with supercritical fluids
Secondary abstract: The solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients is one of the most important properties. It is precisely the best legal remedies that make the difference between effective and ineffective medicines. New drugs have poor water solubility, so more and more pharmaceutical companies are using supercritical fluids to improve their solubility. The solubility of a substance is affected by pressure, temperature, addition of substances, particle size, etc. However, we must take care not to damage the structure of the drug by experiments, as this may lead to a change in solubility, bioavailability and toxicity. Procedures such as the determination of solubility with supercritical fluids, RESS, PGSS and SAS have evolved greatly, which is a step in the right direction for drug synthesis. The thesis presents the determination of solubility of naproxen in supercritical CO2 at different pressures and temperature and the addition of different concentrations of co-solvents. The RESS and SAS process was used for the micronization process, with which we changed the size and shape of the particles. They found that solubility improves with increasing temperature and with increasing density of the solution or by increasing the pressure. The addition of a co-solvent was generally shown to increase the solubility of naproxen, where 2-propanol had the best effect. The co-solvent had the greatest effect at its lowest concentration. The micronization process was successful as the particles were reduced to the micro and nano range. Images with SEM showed that the particles were smaller in the SAS process, but the XRD graph showed that the naproxen particles changed structurally, which affected the solubility and bioavailability of naproxen.
Secondary keywords: naproxen;solubility;supercritical fluid;CO2;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VIII, 27 str.
ID: 11996960
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