magistrsko delo
Aleksandra Savić (Author), Gjoko Nikolovski (Mentor)


Poučevanje in učenje slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika je zaradi vse več tuje govorečih posameznikov na območju naše države vedno zanimivejše. Zato ne preseneča, da so avtorji gradiv za poučevanje strokovnjaki s področja poučevanja slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika. V primerjavi s poučevanjem slovenščine v osnovni in srednji šoli ima poučevanje slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika številne posebnosti - predvsem se je treba zavedati, da gre večinoma za odrasle, ki imajo različen nivo predznanja in tudi različno motivacijo za učenje novega jezika. Magistrsko delo vsebuje teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo na podlagi strokovnega gradiva preučili smernice za poučevanje tujega jezika odraslih oseb. Opisali smo osnovno terminologijo (prvi jezik, drugi jezik, tuji jezik), nacionalne programe, SEJO in Sporazumevalni prag za slovenščino. Na koncu teoretičnega dela so za potrebe empiričnega dela predstavljeni učbeniki za poučevanje slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika ter skloni v slovenskem jeziku. Empirični del obravnava izključno analizo učbenikov in obravnava sklonov v obstoječem gradivu, sledijo potrditve ali nepotrditve hipotez. Ker nas je zanimalo predvsem poučevanje sklonov slovenščine kot tujega jezika na ravni A1/A2 za neslovansko IV govoreče tuje študente, smo pri ugotovitvah pristopov upoštevali tudi pripadnost določeni jezikovni skupnosti. Slovenščina je zaradi sistema sklanjatev izjemno velik izziv tistim, ki v svojih jezikovnih sistemih take strukture ne poznajo. Zato tudi ne morejo slediti zaporedju poučevanja sklonov na način, kakršnega poznamo v slovenskih šolah. Lahko pa jim zaradi lažje povezave sklonov zadeve olajšamo in približamo tako, da jih skloni ne bodo zmedli. V magistrskem delu smo del analize posvetili predlogom poučevanja sklonov za neslovansko govoreče tujce.


magistrska dela;slovenščina kot drugi/tuji jezik;preživetvena raven;nacionalni programi;učbeniki;skloni;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Savić]
UDC: 811.163.6'243:378.4(043.2)
COBISS: 28552195 Link will open in a new window
Views: 695
Downloads: 129
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teaching cases in Slovenian as a foreign language at A1/A2 lever for non-Slavic-speaking foreign students of the University of Maribor
Secondary abstract: Teaching and learning Slovene as a second/foreign language is becoming more and more interesting due to the growing number of foreign-speaking individuals in our country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the authors of teaching materials are experts in the field of teaching Slovene as a second/foreign language. Compared to teaching Slovene language in primary and secondary school, there are numerous specifics when teaching Slovene as a second/foreign language - it is important to be aware that the target group are mostly adults with different levels of prior knowledge and different motivations. The master's thesis is divided into two parts; theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part I studied the guidelines for teaching a foreign language to adults based on professional literature. I described the basic terminology (first language, second language, foreign language), national programs, SEJO and Sporazumevalni prag za slovenščino. For the needs of the empirical work, textbooks for teaching Slovene as a second/foreign language and grammatical cases in Slovene language were presented at the end of the theoretical part. The empirical part includes the analysis of textbooks and the discussion of declensions in the existing materials, followed by confirmations or refutations of hypotheses. As I was VI mainly interested in teaching Slovene as a foreign language at the A1/A2 level among non-Slavic-speaking foreign students, the affiliation to a specific language group has been taken into account when determining the approaches. Due to the declension system, Slovene language is an extremely great challenge for those who do not know such a structure in their language systems. Therefore, they cannot follow the sequence of teaching grammatical cases in the same way they are being taught in Slovenian schools. However, we can make things easier and closer to them by making it easier to connect the grammatical cases, so they do not confuse them. In the master's thesis, a part of the analysis is devoted to suggestions on how to teach the grammatical cases to non-Slavic-speaking foreigners.
Secondary keywords: master theses;slovene as foreign/second language;survival level;national programs;textbooks;inclined;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: X f., 75 str.
ID: 11998158