delo diplomskega projekta
Brina Kos (Author), Alenka Kavkler (Mentor)


S problematiko brezposelnosti se sooča praktično vsaka država. Pojav, ki označuje ekonomsko-socialno stanje, ko je posameznik zmožen za delo, a ga ne more dobiti, ima posledice na družbo in posameznika, ki so lahko tako ekonomske kot socialne narave. Namen dela diplomskega projekta je predstaviti, kako različne evropske države posegajo na trg dela in tako uravnavajo njegovo delovaje z namenom vzdrževanja visoke stopnje zaposlenosti in zmanjšanja stopnje brezposelnosti. V drugem in tretjem poglavju dela so opisani pojmi trga delovne sile, brezposelnosti in aktivne politike zaposlovanja (APZ). Četrto poglavje je namenjeno predstavitvi trgov delovne sile določenih evropskih držav ter ukrepom in programom APZ, ki se jih določene države poslužujejo. Zaradi precej velikih razlik med stopnjami zaposlenosti in brezposelnosti so bile ciljne države dela diplomskega projekta Slovenija, Češka, Grčija, Nizozemska in Španija. Na podlagi naše raziskave smo ugotovili, da so bile vse analizirane države uspešne z vidika kriterijev povečanja stopnje zaposlenosti in zmanjšanja stopnje brezposelnosti s pomočjo ukrepov in programov politike zaposlovanja.


trg dela;trg delovne sile;zaposlovanje;politika zaposlovanja;brezposelnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Kos]
UDC: 331.5
COBISS: 40591875 Link will open in a new window
Views: 483
Downloads: 63
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Efficiency of active labour market policies of selected European countries
Secondary abstract: Practically every country is faced with the problem of unemployment. The phenomenon that characterizes the economic and social situation, when an individual capable of work cannot obtain employment, has several consequences not only for the society but also for the individual themself, which can both be of the economic and social nature. This diploma project aims to present how different European countries intervene in the labour market and thus regulate their activities to maintain a high employment rate and reduce their unemployment rate. The second and third chapters of the diploma project describe the concepts of the labour market, unemployment, and active labour market policies (ALMP). The fourth chapter presents the labour markets of certain European countries and the ALMP measures and programs used by certain countries. Due to rather large differences between rates of employment and unemployment, the target countries of the diploma project were Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Greece, the Netherlands, and Spain. Based on our research, we found that all analysed countries were successful in terms of criteria for increasing the employment rate while reducing the unemployment rate through ALMP measures and programs.
Secondary keywords: labour market;unemployment;active labour market policy;the measurements of active labour market policies;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: VI, 40 f.
ID: 12004759