diplomsko delo
Miha Zobec (Author), Darko Friš (Mentor)


Delo obravnava problem izseljevanja primorskih Slovencev v Argentino v času med vojnama. Gre za obdobje, ko je Slovensko primorje z rapalsko pogodbo, sklenjeno med Kraljevino Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev in Kraljevino Italijo, leta 1920 prešlo v okvir italijanske države. Fašistično nasilje, ki je izbruhnilo že kmalu po prvi svetovni vojni, je povzročilo selitve prebivalstva s tega območja. Po vzponu na oblast leta 1922 se je to spremenilo v uradno državno politiko zatiranja slovenske in hrvaške manjšine priključene Julijske krajine in prišlo je do še obsežnejših migracij. Najprej so bili prizadeti tisti, ki so imeli državne službe, kot so bili učitelji ali železničarji, ki jih je italijanska država razselila po notranjosti Apeninskega polotoka, zato da bi se izgubili med italijansko množico in da bi italijanizacija novo pridobljenega območja hitreje stekla. Podobna usoda je doletela pripadnike svobodnih poklicev (npr. večje trgovce, bankirje, odvetnike...) slovenskega in hrvaškega rodu. Množična migracija je imela dokaj enakomeren in kontinuiran tok od začetka dvajsetih pa do začetka tridesetih let, ko je prišlo do združevanja družin, vendar pa je vrhunec dosegla med letoma 1927 in 1929 (z viškom prav leta 1928), ko je fašistično zatiranje postalo najhujše. Samo v Argentino je emigriralo 15.000 ljudi, potem pa se jim je na podlagi združevanja družin pridružilo še 7000, kar pomeni da se je skupno izselilo 23.000 ljudi. Prvi del naloge postavlja v ospredje problem izseljevanja v Argentino iz Julijske krajine, pri čemer obravnava tako vidik vzročnosti (zakaj so se selili v Argentini) kot kvantitativni pregled selitev. Drugi del pa se postavlja na argentinska tla in govori o prihodu primorskih Slovencev v Argentino proti koncu dvajsetih in v začetku tridesetih let, ko so v deželi zavladale avtoritarne oblike vladavine, podobne italijanskemu fašizmu, ki so ga izseljenci izkusili že doma.


zgodovina;izseljevanje;Julijska krajina;fašizem;korespondenca;skupnost;društva;tisk;Argentina;integracija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Zobec]
UDC: 93/94(043.2)
COBISS: 18370824 Link will open in a new window
Views: 554
Downloads: 19
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This paper work addresses the problem of emigration of the Slovenes from Primorska to Argentina in the interwar period. This is a period when the Slovenian coast was moved into the framework of the Italian State in 1920 with the Rapallo treaty, concluded between the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Italy. Fascist violence that erupted soon after the First World War led to the migrations from this region. After the rise to power in 1922 this turned into an official state policy of repression of the Slovenian and Croatian minorities of the Julian March which resulted in large-scale migration. First of all those who worked in public sector, like teachers or railwaymen, were affected; they were displaced in the interior of the Apennine peninsula by the Italian State in order to be intermingled with the Italian crowd so that italianisation of the newly acquired area would faster prevail. A similar fate has befallen the members of free professions (eg. major merchants, bankers, lawyers etc.) of the Slovenian and Croatian descent. Soon after, in 1922, the exodus joined this outflow of the population and headed towards the ocean-going (especially Argentina) and continental destinations (France and Belgium because of labor needs, the forefront was the Kingdom of Yugoslavia). Only to Argentina 15,000 people emigrated, but then 7000 families joined them on the bases of reunification of the families, which means that a total of 23,000 people emigrated. The first part of the thesis brings the problem of emigration to Argentina from Julian March into foreground, dealing respectively with both, aspects of causation (why they migrated to Argentina) as well as a quantitative review of migrations.The second part is set on Argentinean ground and tells about the arrival of the Primorje Slovenes to Argentina in late twenties and early thirties when the authoritarian forms of government, similar to Italian fascism, which the expatriates experienced at home already, prevailed.
Secondary keywords: Emigration;Julian March;fascism;correspondence;community;emigrants' associations;emigrant press;Argentina;integration.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: III, 121 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;history;zgodovina;
ID: 12006046
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