diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Lenart Kobal (Author), Robert Praček (Mentor)


Serijski morilci so osebe, ki so v družbi prisotne že od nekdaj. Brez ustreznih preiskav, dokazov in tehnologij so serijski morilci pristali pod drobnogledom družbe in medijev, predvsem v dvajsetem stoletju. Takrat smo z pomočjo preiskovalcev ter novih tehnik lahko uspešno začeli povezovati več umorov ter jih pripisali določenemu serijskemu morilcu. V tem obdobju je prav tako prišlo do delitve morilcev, ki so ubili več oseb, in sicer na množične morilce, verižne morilce ter serijske morilce. V diplomskem delu se bomo osredotočali na serijske morilce in preiskovanje njihovih umorov. Delovanje, razmišljanje ter sam proces umora je pri serijskih morilcih nekaj posebnega. Morijo iz drugačnih razlogov kot večina morilcev, ki ne spadajo pod to kategorijo. Lahko jih dojemamo kot posameznike, katerih glavna želja v življenju je čim daljše morjenje ter izživljanje nad izbranimi žrtvami. Značilno za serijske morilce je težko otroštvo, življenje brez prijateljev ter izogibanje družbe in pravilom, ki vanjo spadajo. Pri preiskovanju serijskih umorov se preiskovalci še dodatno osredotočajo na dokaze, ki bi lahko umore medsebojno povezovali. Pri odkrivanju storilcev je potrebno veliko časa, saj so to posamezniki, ki so tako drugačni od povprečnega prebivalca, da je tudi njihov proces umora ter izogibanja oblastem drugačen. Pomemben podatek pri preiskovanju serijskih morilcev je morilčev podpis, pri serijskih morilcih je značilno, da ta pri veliki večini ostaja skozi celoten morilski pohod enak. Ta podpis tudi veliko krat pomaga pri povezovanju večih umorov ter nato odkrivanju dejanskega storilca. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočali na analizo serijskega morilca Teda Bundyja in njegovo delovanje. Omenjen serijski morilec ima kar nekaj posebnosti, vključno s tem, da je bil do zadnjega medijski in predvsem ženski ljubljenec, kljub temu da je pobijal le ženske. Ted Bundy je deloval strateško in premišljeno, vendar je zaradi svoje notranje pošasti pri enem izmed umorov pustil dokaz, ki je nato bil dovolj obremenjujoč, da je bil spoznan za krivega pri številnih umorih. Bil je obsojen na smrt z električnim stolom.


diplomske naloge;serijski morilci;preiskovanje umorov;morilčev podpis;Ted Bundy;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [L. Kobal]
UDC: 343.98(043.2)
COBISS: 27375619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 391
Downloads: 75
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the serial killer ted bundy
Secondary abstract: Serial killers have always been present in the society. However, without effective technologies and research tactics they were not identified as serial killers until the twentieth century. Crime investigating, tactics and investigators advanced to a level that gave us a possibility of connecting several murders with one killer. Because of that we set definitions of three types of killers who commit more than one murder. Spree killers, massive killers and serial killers. We will focus on serial killers and crime investigation. Their thinking, motivation and even process of killing is different. Serial killers don’t have the same reasons for killing as-one-time killers. They want to cause as much pain as they can and kill for as long as they can. Their inner monster is so powerful that they do not stop until they are stopped by the law. Usually serial killers have a tough childhood, several traumas, no friends and they try to avoid social interactions and rules that belong there. When investigators investigate serial murders they also focus on the evidence that connect those several murders to one killer. Finding and prosecuting serial killers usually takes a lot of time, because those are individuals that are way different from the average person that even their killings and their ways of evading the authorities are different. An important link in serial killer investigation is the killers signature, which stays almost the same in every murder that the serial killer committed. The signature really helps when it comes down to connecting all the murders to one serial killer. We will focus on the serial killer Ted Bundy. He was a notorious serial killer that had media and several women on his side even though his only victims were women. Ted Bundy worked strategically however his action at one of his killings, ended up as an evidence that sentenced him and connected him to several murders. In the end he was executed by the electric chair.
Secondary keywords: serial killers;homicide investigations;killers signature;Ted Bundy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: IV, 32 str.
ID: 12006047
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