diplomsko delo
Tjaša Brečko (Author), Valerija Žager (Reviewer), Mojca Medič (Mentor)


Uvod: V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako slikanje gležnja v medialnih in lateralnih projekcijah, z različnim nagibom rentgenske cevi in različno usmerjenim centralnim žarkom vpliva na prikaz anatomskih struktur. Ugotavljali smo, katere projekcije so najbolj uporabne za prikaz določene strukture ter kakšne so razlike med postavitvijo in merili za ocenjevanje. Namen: Namen je bil ugotoviti, kako sprememba položaja vpliva na vidljivost anatomskih struktur in katera projekcija je najbolj primerna za prikaz določene anatomske strukture. Metode dela: Meritve smo izvajali na fantomu stopala z oznako RS-116. Začeli smo z obračanjem gležnja za 5 stopinj, do antroposteriorne projekcije z medialno rotacijo, kasneje tudi do medialne posteriorne polstranske projekcije, kjer smo spremenili centralni žarek. Enako smo nadaljevali v lateralno smer, kjer smo pri lateralni posteriorni polstranski projekciji dodali kranialni kot. Sledila je sprememba centralnega žarka od 5 do 20 stopinj kranialno in kavdalno. Vsak rentgenogram smo ocenili po merilih za ocenjevanje le teh. Rezultati: Pri obračanju gležnja v medialno smer, smo lahko opazili, da je zgornji skočni sklep odprt v celoti in se nato začne postopoma zapirati. Skočnica se projicira v stopalnice. Pri medialni posteriorni polstranski projekciji centralni žarek poteka najprej 10 stopinj kavdalno. Zgornji skočni sklep je skoraj v celoti odprt, stopalnice se delno prekrivajo. Ocenimo lahko petnico, in skočnico. Z večanjem kota je petnica popolnoma prosta, sklepi se delno odpirajo, manjše kosti se prekrivajo. Pri lateralni posteriorni polstranski projekciji vidimo odprta sklepa med petnico in skočnico ter skočnico in držajem skočnice. Pri nagibu rentgenske cevi v kavdalno smer se zgornji skočni sklep postopoma zapira zaradi dodajanja naklona kota, skočnica je delno prosto projicirana. Pri kranialnem nagibu je zgornji skočni sklep zaprt. Vse ostale kosti se superponirajo in prekrivajo. Razprava in zaključek: Anteroposteriorno projekcijo priporočamo pri oceni zgornjega skočnega sklepa, skočnice, distalnega dela mečnice in golenice. Medialna posteriorna polstranska projekcija je primerna za oceno skočnice, petnice in kocke. Lateralno posteriorno polstransko projekcijo uporabimo za prikaz spodnjega skočnega sklepa, petnice, skočnice in del stopalnic. Kavdalni nagib cevi je najbolj primeren za oceno skočnice, med tem ko je kranialni nagib cevi diagnostično neuporaben.


diplomska dela;radiološka tehnologija;slikanje gležnja;anatomske strukture gležnja;projekcija gležnja;rentgenogrami;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [T. Brečko]
UDC: 616-07
COBISS: 26723075 Link will open in a new window
Views: 554
Downloads: 113
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Presentation of anatomical structures ankle imaging anteroposterior
Secondary abstract: Introduction: In this thesis we have determined how the imaging of the ankle in medial and lateral projections with different inclination of the x-ray tube and differently directed central beam affects the representation of anatomical structures. We determined which projections are most useful for the representation of a given structure and the differences between layout and evaluation criteria. Aim: The aim of the thesis was to determine how the change of position affects the visibility of anatomical structures and which projection is most useful for representing a given anatomical structure. Work methods: Measurements were made on a phantom foot marked RS -116. We started with a 5 degree rotation of the ankle in medial direction, to anthroposterior projection with medial rotation, later to medial posterior oblique projection, changing the central beam. The same was continued in the lateral direction, where we added a cranial angle in lateral posterior oblique projection. We then changed the central beam from 5 to 20 degrees cranially and caudally. Each x-ray image was evaluated according to the criteria for its assessment. The results: While rotating the ankle joint in a medial direction we could observe that the upper ankle joint is fully opened and then gradually begins to close. The talus protrudes up to the metatarsal bones. In medial posterior oblique projection, the central beam initially runs 10 degrees caudally. The upper ankle joint is almost completely open and the metatarsals partially overlap. We can assess the calcaneus and the talus. As the angle increases, calcaneus is completely free, the joints are partially open and the smaller bones overlap. In the lateral posterior oblique projection we see open joints between calcaneus and talus as well as talus and talus articulation. When the x-ray tube is tilted in caudal direction, the upper ankle joint is gradually closed by adding the angle of inclination, the talus is partially freely projected. When the tube is tilted cranially, the upper ankle joint is closed. All other bones are superimposed and overlap each other. Discussion and conclusion: Anthroposterior projection is recommended when assessing the upper ankle joint, talus, distal part of the scapula and tibia. Medial posterior oblique projection is recommended for evaluation of the talus, calcaneus and the cuboid bone. Lateral posterior oblique projection is used to show the lower ankle joint, calcaneus, talus and part of the metatarsal bones. The caudal inclination of the tube is best suited to assess the talus, while the cranial inclination of the tube is diagnostically useless in this case.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;radiologic technology;ankle imaging;anatomical structures of the ankle;ankle projection;radiographs;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za radiološko tehnologijo
Pages: 42 str.
ID: 12006089