diplomski rad visokoškolskog strukovnog studija
Karla Cvetković (Author), Boris Prevolšek (Mentor), Tomi Špindler (Co-mentor)


Motivi za putovanje se razlikuju od ljudskih potreba do karakteristika pojedine destinacije. Rijetko je samo jedan razlog putovanja, iako jedan motiv može igrati dominantnu ulogu u putovanju ili je jedna motivacija presudna za odabir odredišta. Kada govorimo o destinaciji Umag smještenoj na jadranskoj obali Hrvatske možemo zaključiti da posjetiteljima nudi mnogo motiva za posjet: sunce i more, povijesna baština, kultura, gastronomija, sportske manifestacije i drugo. Naziva se i Gradom sporta i turizma, koji su u današnje vrijeme dvije međufunkcionalne pojave iz kojih proizlazi novi oblik turizma – sportski turizam. Ne postoji točna definicija ove vrste turizma no možemo razlikovati posjetitelje koji aktivno sudjeluju u sportskim aktivnostima i one koji dolaze gledati sportske događaje. Sportski turizam u današnje vrijeme sve je popularniji, a sport predstavlja jedan od vodećih izvora prihoda turističkih destinacija. Glede na ljestvicu motiva, u ovom diplomskom radu došli smo do podataka da se sport nalazi iza sunca i mora a ispred kulture. Prema istraživanjima doznali smo da je svjetski teniski turnir ATP Croatia glavni razlog za turističko putovanje u Umagu za vrijeme trajanja turnira.


motiv;motivacija;destinacija;šport;športni turizem;


Language: Croatian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [K. Cvetković]
UDC: 338.48-52:159.9(043.2)
COBISS: 35391491 Link will open in a new window
Views: 402
Downloads: 58
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Šport kot motiv za obisk Umaga
Secondary abstract: The motives for traveling vary from human needs to the characteristics of a particular destination. There is rarely only one reason for traveling, although one motive can play a dominant role in travel or one motivation is crucial for choosing a destination. When we talk about the Umag destination located on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, we can conclude that it offers many motives for visitors: sun and sea, historical heritage, culture, gastronomy, sport events and more. It is also called The City of sports and tourism, which are nowadays two cross-functional phenomena that give rise to a new form of tourism - sports tourism. There is no exact definition of this type of tourism, but we can distinguish between visitors who actively participate in sporting activities and those who come to watch sport events. Nowadays, sport tourism is becoming more and more popular, and sport is one of the leading sources of revenue for tourist destinations. According to the scale of motives, in this thesis we came to the data that sport is behind the sun and the sea and in front of culture. According to research, we have learned that the ATP Croatia world tennis tournament is the main reason for a tourist trip to Umag during the tournament.
Secondary keywords: motive;motivation;destination;sport;sport tourism;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za turizem
Pages: 41 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 12007143