diplomsko delo
Matej Plestenjak (Author), Klementina Zupan (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati potek evakuacije, ki jo izvedejo zaposleni v gledališču. Evakuacija steče ob kriznem dogodku, pri čemer se ogrožene osebe umaknejo po varni poti do nekega varnega mesta. Z evakuacijo tako poskrbimo za hiter, organiziran in varen umik. Na uspešnost evakuacije vpliva čas za evakuacijo, število oseb, vedenje oseb, ustreznost evakuacijskih poti in izhodov itd. V uvodu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na evakuacijo, zakonske zahteve ter primer raziskave evakuacije v gledališču z nenapovedano vajo, ki so jo izvedli na Finskem leta 1995. V osrednjem, eksperimentalnem delu pa je opravljen razgovor z gasilskim poveljnikom prostovoljnega gasilskega društva, kako pri požaru v gledališču poteka intervencija gasilcev, na kakšne prepreke in ovire lahko gasilci naletijo ter kako bi izgledala uspešna intervencija ob takšnem dogodku, ki bi jo lahko predstavili kot primer dobre prakse.


evakuacija;evakuacijske poti;evakuacijski izhodi;varnostna razsvetljava;vedenje ljudi;evakuacijski časi;gasilska intervencija;gledališče;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [M. Plestenjak]
UDC: 614.8(043.2)
COBISS: 27162627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 378
Downloads: 84
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Theatre Hall Evacuation
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the course of an evacuation, which is performed by theatre employees. An evacuation takes place in a crisis event, with the endangered individuals following a safe route to a safe location. An evacuation therefore ensures a quick, organised, and safe withdrawal. The success of an evacuation depends on the evacuation time, the number of people, the behaviour of people, the suitability of the evacuation route and exits etc. The thesis introduction presents the factors that influence an evacuation, the legal requirements, and a case study of an unannounced evacuation drill at a Finnish theatre in 1995. An interview with a fire chief of a volunteer fire department is carried out in the central, experimental part of the thesis. The latter explores how a firefighter intervention in the case of a theatre fire is carried out, the potential obstacles firefighters meet, and what a successful intervention in such an event would look like, representing an example of a good practice.
Secondary keywords: evacuation;theatre hall;evacuation routes;evacuation exits;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000370
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, UNI Tehniška varnost
Pages: 24 str.
ID: 12010332