diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Varstvoslovje
Vid Markež (Author), Igor Bernik (Mentor), Saša Vučko (Co-mentor)


Z vzponom teroristične skupine ISIS na bližnjem vzhodu, se je razširil problem uničevanja, plenjenja in ilegalne trgovine s predmeti kulturne dediščine. Zaradi lahko dostopnih arheoloških najdišč in lahke odstranitve predmetov iz kulturno bogatih območji ter zaradi letalskih napadov na naftno infrastrukturo, je ISIS svojo odvisnost in vključenost v trg s starinami, še povečal. Skupina je sprva svoje trgovanje vzdrževala preko družbenih omrežij, z razvojem visoko napredne tehnologije pa so se njihove dejavnosti pomaknile na temni splet, kjer so transakcije s pomočjo kriptovalut anonimne in neizsledljive. S kvalitativno deskriptivno metodo analize pisnih virov smo pregledali domačo in tujo literaturo ter zakonodajo, s pomočjo katere smo oblikovali teoretična izhodišča. Proučili in analizirali smo kriminaliteto zoper kulturno dediščino na Bližnjem vzhodu, ki predstavlja problem od sirske državljanske vojne leta 2011. Prišli smo do zaključkov, da se je večina nelegalnih aktivnosti terorističnih skupin pomaknila na temni splet, kjer problem pri preiskovanju predstavlja predvsem anonimnost transakcij in kibernetskih dejavnosti, ki pripomore k lažji izmenjavi sredstev. ISIS-ovo plenjenje in trgovanje s predmeti kulturne dediščine sta se iz oportunističnih dejanj razvila v organizirano transnacionalno kriminaliteto za financiranje terorističnih dejavnosti, kar dokazuje tudi ustanovitev posebne službe za nadziranje antikvitet, znotraj nje pa tudi poseben oddelek za nadzor izkopavanja ropanja in prodaje predmetov kulturne dediščine. S pomočjo primerjalne metode smo analizirali tri različne pristope k varovanju kulturne dediščine, forenzično arheometrijo, označevanje predmetov z DNA in tehnologijo Blockchain. Pristope k varovanju smo interpretirali kot dobre, sprejemljive ali slabe. Ker Blockchain tehnologija ponuja možnost oblikovanja omrežja, kjer se transakcije in prenosi varno beležijo v porazdeljeni knjigi, jo smatramo kot trenutno najboljši pristop k varovanju kulturne dediščine, zato je nujno, da umetniška skupnost sprejme Blockchain kot nov sistem beleženja izvornosti starin, da bi odpravila trenutno nestabilnost dokumentacije ali provenience, ki jo je mogoče izgubiti ali uničiti.


diplomske naloge;kulturna dediščina;kriminaliteta;varovanje;Blockchain;ISIS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [V. Markež]
UDC: 7.025.7:343(043.2)
COBISS: 27856643 Link will open in a new window
Views: 407
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Blockchain as a form of security for cultural heritage
Secondary abstract: With the rise of the ISIS terrorist group in the Middle East, the problem of destruction, looting, and illegal trade in cultural heritage has spread. Due to easily accessible archaeological sites and easy removal of objects from culturally rich areas, as well as airstrikes on oil infrastructure, ISIS has further increased its dependence and involvement in the antiquities market. Initially, the group maintained its trading through social networks, but with the development of highly advanced technology, their activities have moved to the dark web, where transactions with the help of cryptocurrencies are anonymous and untraceable. Using a qualitative descriptive method of analysis of written sources, we reviewed domestic and foreign literature and legislation, with the help of which we formed theoretical starting points. We studied and analyzed crime against cultural heritage in the Middle East, which has been a problem since the Syrian civil war in 2011. We came to the conclusion that most illegal activities of terrorist groups have moved to the dark web, where the anonymity of transactions and cyber activities help to facilitate the exchange of funds. ISIS's looting and trafficking in cultural heritage have evolved from opportunistic acts into organized transnational crime to finance terrorist activities, as evidenced by the establishment of a special antiquities control service and a special department to control the excavation and sale of cultural heritage. Using a comparative method, we analyzed three different approaches to cultural heritage protection, forensic archaeometry, DNA tagging, and blockchain technology. Approaches to security were interpreted as good, acceptable, or bad. Because Blockchain technology offers the ability to create a network where transactions and transfers are securely recorded in a distributed book, we see it as the best approach to cultural heritage protection at the moment, so it is imperative that the art community adopt Blockchain as a new antiquity system to eliminate current instability of documentation or provenance that can be lost or destroyed.
Secondary keywords: Cultural heritage;crime;security;Blockchain;ISIS;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: V, 49 str.
ID: 12012570
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