diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu sem se posvetila raziskovanju pomena materinstva, njegovi idealizaciji, spreminjanju skozi čas, možnosti svobodnejše izbire in novi ženski identiteti, ki ni več v celoti podrejena materinstvu. Zanimalo me je, kako mlade ženske dojemajo svobodno možnost odločitve za materinstvo, ali o njej sploh razmišljajo, kako načrtujejo svojo prihodnost in kakšen vpliv ima pri takih odločitvah družba, za katero je materinstvo v večini še vedno samoumevno. V teoretičnem delu obravnavam vlogo ženske v preteklosti in njeno precej drugačno vlogo v sodobni družbi. Posvečam se tudi dejavnikom odlaganja rojstev, ki so vzrok za višanje meje starosti žensk ob rojstvu prvega otroka in ob njihovi zaposlitvi. Ta namreč v današnjem svetu pomembno vpliva na ustvarjanje družine, za ženske pa je možnost kariere hkrati prednost in slabost, ki močno vpliva na dobrobit družine. Na koncu obravnavam tudi življenje brez otrok, saj je ta odločitev v današnji družbi še vedno zelo kontroverzna, a hkrati tudi vedno pogostejša. V empiričnem delu zajemam izkušnje in mnenja štirih žensk. Na podlagi njihovih odgovorov v analizi predstavljam, kako torej mlade ženske dojemajo svobodno možnost odločitve glede materinstva, kako razmišljajo o svoji prihodnosti, kako dojemajo in sprejemajo pritisk družbe in kakšne izkušnje imajo s sprejemanjem (ne)materinstva v ožjem okolju.


mlade ženske;družba;ožje okolje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [E. Pintarič]
UDC: 316(043.2)
COBISS: 28023555 Link will open in a new window
Views: 299
Downloads: 53
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motherhood as a free choice of a modern woman
Secondary abstract: In my thesis, I devoted myself to exploring the importance of motherhood, its idealization, its change over time, the possibility of increased freedom of choice and a new female identity that is no longer entirely subordinate to motherhood. I wanted to know how young women perceive the freedom to choose motherhood, whether they are even thinking about it, how they plan their future, and what impact does society, for which motherhood is still very important, have on younger women. In the theoretical part, I consider the role of a woman in the past and the role now, which is quite different. I also focus on the factors of birth delay, which are the cause for the increase in the age of women birthing their first child and the employment of women. In today's world, women employment is a major factor in family creation, and for women the possibility of a career is both an advantage and a weakness, as it has a profound impact on the well-being of the family. Finally, I also consider life without children, because this decision is still very controversial, but also increasingly popular in today’s society. In the empirical section, I gather the experiences and opinions of four women. Based on their responses, I analyze how young women are perceived as free to decide on motherhood, how they think about their future, how they perceive and accept the pressure of society, and what experience they have in accepting (non)motherhood in an immediate environment.
Secondary keywords: mother;sociology;mati;sociologija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 65 str.
ID: 12014632
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