diplomsko delo
Barbara Čerina (Author), Liljana Rihter (Mentor)


Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je raziskovanje terenskega dela in ogroženosti zaposlenih na centrih za socialno delo. V teoretičnem delu sem se sprva dotaknila teme socialnega varstva in kdo so uporabniki centrov za socialno delo. Sledi teoretični del o terenskem delu in o nasilju in stresu na delovnem mestu. Na koncu pa sem pregledala zakone, ki urejajo zagotavljanje varnega in zdravega delovnega okolja za zaposlene. Raziskavo sem izvedla s pomočjo intervjujev. Moji sogovorniki predstavljajo zaposlene na centrih za socialno delo iz različnih krajev po Sloveniji. Vzorec v moji raziskavi je neslučajnostni, priložnostni. Ugotovila sem, da so zaposleni deležni ogroženosti na delovnem mestu, da morajo za svojo varnost v večini sami poskrbeti. Izvedela sem tudi, da so podali predloge za večjo varnost na delovnem mestu, vendar so bili njihovi predlogi v večini neuslišani. Rezultati so pokazali, da organizacija poskrbi za podporo in pomoč s pomočjo supervizij in raznih organiziranih izobraževanj. Predvsem pa veliko podpore dobijo od svojih kolegov in kolegic. Njihova povezanost na delovnem mestu je največja podpora in pomoč, ki so je deležni.


terensko delo;ogroženost zaposlenih;centri za socialno delo;stres;nasilje;varnost na delovnem mestu;oblike pomoči;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [B. Čerina]
UDC: 364-781.3:316.472.4
COBISS: 32094723 Link will open in a new window
Views: 263
Downloads: 65
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fieldwork risks experienced by social workers
Secondary abstract: This thesis focuses on the research of fieldwork and the hazards experienced by Social Work Centre employees at the Centers for Social Work. The theoretical part addresses the topic of social welfare and the users of Centers for of Social work. The second part studies the theory of fieldwork and the stress and violence that occur in the work place. The third part examines the laws that mandate a safe and healthy work environment for workers. The research was conducted with the help of interviews. The interlocutors/interviewees were the employees of Centers for Social Work from different cities in Slovenia. In the my research non-random convenience sampling was used, through it was found that workers in fact do face risks during their work and that they have to ensure their own safety more often than not. Furthermore, it was discovered that many suggestions have been made to increase the safety of field workers, but were commonly unheard. The results have shown that the organization takes care of support and help with the use of supervision and by organizing further education. Nevertheless, the highest amount support and help that the workers receive comes from their own colleagues, due to the common issues that bind them.
Secondary keywords: fieldwork;social services;social workers;safety in the work place;support;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (175 str.))
ID: 12023747