magistrsko delo
Grega Pečolar (Author), Nande Korpnik (Mentor), Marko Jaušovec (Co-mentor)


Demenca predstavlja eno izmed najhitreje rastočih bolezni, ki močno posega v vsakdan vedno večjega števila ljudi širom sveta. V magistrskem delu smo poskušali preko socialnega aspekta, ki je osnova snovanja okolja primernega za osebe z demenco, nagovoriti laično kot tudi strokovno javnost. Vodilo arhitekturne zasnove centra za osebe z demenco je oseba z zmanjšanimi kognitivnimi sposobnostmi, okrog katere se predpostavi prostor, ki ponuja vse mehanizme spodbujanja in ohranjanja človeškega dostojanstva. Na ta izjemno kompleksen družbeni problem smo podali enostaven in jasen koncept rešitve, ki zajema podrobno analitično raziskavo, na podlagi katere smo zasnovali arhitekturno urbanistično idejo. Na primeru manjšega mesta kot je Slovenj Gradec smo s pomočjo prostorskih analiz in specifične morfologije prostora predlagano arhitekturno rešitev umestili v urbano mestno tkivo v posredno bližino mestnega jedra. V delu so predstavljeni tudi parametri načrtovanja, ki se kažejo na vseh področjih urejanja prostora in zajemajo zasebne, poljavne in javne prostore. Vsi prostori so razgibani, odprti, smiselno povezani in umeščeni v prostor kot celota, kar daje funkcionalnost celotni zasnovi centra za osebe z demenco.


arhitektura;demenca;mestno tkivo;urbanizem;interier;družba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [G. Pečolar]
UDC: 727.012.1:364-783.2(043.2)
COBISS: 33176579 Link will open in a new window
Views: 600
Downloads: 155
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Urban centre for people with dementia in Slovenj Gradec
Secondary abstract: Dementia represents one of the fastest growing diseases that strongly affects the everyday life of more and more people around the world. In this master’s degree we tried using the social aspect, which is the basic for designing an environment suitable for people suffering from dementia, to address the laic and professional public. The main concern of the architectural design of the centre for people with dementia is a person with reduced cognitive capabilities, which should be surrounded by a space that offers all mechanisms of encouraging and preserving human dignity. For this very complex social problem, we gave a simple and clear solution that includes detailed analytical research which was the basis for our architectural idea. Using a special analysis and specific morphology of a small town like Slovenj Gradec, we placed the recommended architectural solution in the vicinity of the urban city centre. In this master’s thesis we also present the parameters of planning that are considering all aspects of spacial design that include private, semi-public and public areas. All these areas are open, sensibly connected and embedded in the space as a whole, which gives practicality to the entire design of the centre for people suffering from dementia.
Secondary keywords: architecture;dementia;urban city centre;urbanism;interier;society;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: VII, 126 f.
ID: 12024416