diplomsko delo
Gaja Černe (Author), Liljana Rihter (Mentor)


V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje pro-ana spletnih strani in njihovo vlogo pri težavah z motnjami hranjenja. V teoretičnem delu sem navedla različne opredelitve motenj hranjenja, opredelila sem vzroke za nastanek motenj hranjenja, opisala značilnosti anoreksije nervoze, njenega zdravljenja, predstavila sem skupine za samopomoč pri motnjah hranjenja in opisala pojava stigme in sramu, ki ju osebe s težavami zaradi motenj hranjenja pogosto občutijo. Nadalje sem predstavila, kaj pro-ana strani sploh so, kakšne so njihove prednosti in slabosti ter izpostavila element pisanja kot terapije. Teoretski uvod sem zaključila s povezavo med pro-ana stranmi in socialnim delom. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila ugotovitve, do katerih sem prišla z anketiranjem na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu dvajsetih uporabnikov pro-ana strani na družabnem omrežju Tumblr. Vprašanja so bila povezana z njihovim doživljanjem uporabe pro-ana strani; doživljanjem ob prvi uporabi strani in doživljanjem sedaj, v času raziskave, vplivom pro-ana strani na misli, vedenje, odnose, zdravljenje, o njihovi motivaciji za uporabo pro-ana strani, funkcijah pro-ana strani itd. Spoznala sem, kako pomembna sta osebam s težavami zaradi motenj hranjenja občutek skupnosti in razumevanje. Ugotovila sem, da med anketiranci vlada prepričanje, da jih bodo strokovni delavci obsojali, da jih ne bodo razumeli ter njihove stiske ne bodo jemali resno. Zatorej je zelo pomembno, da strokovni delavci osebam s težavami zaradi motenj hranjenja omogočimo varen prostor, v katerem se bodo uporabniki počutili neobsojane, sprejete in slišane. Večina anketiranih uporabnikov se zaveda negativnih vplivov pro-ana strani in jih uporabljajo zgolj še zaradi koristi, ki jih pro-ana strani nudijo. Strokovni delavci moramo tako pomagati pro-ana uporabnicam, da bi našle podporo tudi drugje, ter ne zgolj v pro-ana skupnostih. To lahko dosežemo z usmerjanjem uporabnic k skupinam za samopomoč za motnje hranjenja, druženju z uporabnicami, ki so od motnje hranjenja že okrevale ipd. Da bi uporabnikom pro-ana spletnih strani lahko ustrezno pomagali, moramo strokovnjaki najprej razumeti, kaj pro-ana strani sploh so, kaj so njihove funkcije in kaj so informacije, ki jih osebe z motnjami hranjenja prejemajo na teh straneh. Informacije o le-teh pa lahko prejmemo s potrebnimi sprotnimi usposabljanji in izobraževanji, saj se pro-ana strani in skupnosti nenehno posodabljajo in spreminjajo. Rezultati raziskave so koristni tako zame, kot tudi za vse strokovnjake, ki delajo na področju motenj hranjenja.


motnje hranjenja;anoreksija;socialna omrežja;socialno delo;bloganje;oblike pomoči;zdravljenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [G. Černe]
UDC: 616.89-008.441.42:364.4
COBISS: 33524995 Link will open in a new window
Views: 571
Downloads: 263
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Role of Pro-Ana Websites in Eating Disorders
Secondary abstract: In my graduation thesis, I focused on exploring pro-ana websites and their role in eating disorders. In the theoretical part, I listed different definitions of eating disorders, identified the causes of eating disorders, described the characteristics of anorexia nervosa, its treatment, presented self-help groups for eating disorders and described the occurrence of stigma and shame, often experienced by people with eating disorders. I further outlined what pro-ana websites are, what are their benefits and disadvantages, and highlighted the element of writing as therapy. I ended the theoretical part with describing a connection between pro-ana websites and social work. In the empirical part, I presented the findings I got by interviewing a non-probabaility accidental sample of twenty users of pro-ana websites on the social network Tumblr. The questions were related to their experience of using the pro-ana websites; their experience of the first use of the websites and their experience now, during the time of the research; the impact of pro-ana websites on thoughts, behaviours, relationships, treatment, their motivation for using pro-ana websites, the functions of pro-ana websites etc. I realized how important a sense of community and a sense of being understood are for people with eating disorders. I found out that the respondents are convinced that the professionals will judge them, that they will not understand them and will not take them seriously. Therefore, it is very important for professionals to provide people with eating disorders a safe space in which users will not feel judged, a space where they will feel accepted and heard. Most surveyed users are aware of the negative effects of pro-ana websites and use them only for their benefits. Professionals thus need to help pro-ana users find support other than the pro-ana community. This can be achieved by directing users to self-help groups for eating disorders, socializing with users who have already recovered from an eating disorder etc. In order to help pro-ana website users appropriately, professionals need to first understand what pro-ana websites really are, what their functions are and what information the people with eating disorders receive on these websites. Information about these can be obtained through the necessary ongoing training and education, as pro-ana websites and communities are constantly updated and modified. The results of the research are useful for me as well as for all professionals working in the field of eating disorders.
Secondary keywords: anorexia;social networks;social work;blogging;eating disorders;support;treatment;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (94 str.))
ID: 12025892