diplomsko delo
Ana Stolnik (Author), Mojca Urek (Mentor)


V svojem diplomskem delu sem v teoretičnem delu najprej predstavila pomen institucionalnega varstva, nato njegovo delovanje ter opredelila skupino, ki ji je to namenjeno. Zanimalo me je, kako sprememba življenjskega okolja ob vselitvi v dom za starejše vpliva na starostnike, nato pa sem se dotaknila čustev starostnikov. Pri tem me je zanimalo, na kakšen način čustvujejo ter kako na njih gledajo manjše populacije. Raziskala sem odnose med zaposlenimi in stanovalci in kako le ti vplivajo na kakovost življenja starostnika v domu. Veliko pozornosti sem namenila predvsem raziskovanju pojma emocionalno delo. Raziskala sem tudi, v kolikšni meri je emocionalno delo prisotno v domovih za starejše ter kakšna je tam sploh potreba po samem izvajanju emocionalnega dela. V raziskovalnem delu sem ugotavljala, v kolikšni meri je emocionalno delo prisotno v DSO Ljutomer, kakšna so pričakovanja stanovalcev in organizacije glede pravil prikazovanja čustev, kako se zaposleni soočajo s stresnimi situacijami in kako jim pri tem pomaga sama organizacija. Ugotovila sem, da je emocionalno delo v DSO Ljutomer prisotno na različnih področjih dela. Za zaposlene je pri njihovem delu najpomembnejše zadovoljstvo stanovalcev doma, zavedajo se pomembnosti pristnih odnosov kot tudi pomembnosti postavljanja meja. Večina stanovalcev nima nobenih posebnih pričakovanj glede prikazovanja čustev zaposlenih, drugače pa je s strani organizacije. Ta pričakuje prijaznost zaposlenih ter pozitivno atmosfero. Organizacija pri soočanju s stresom zaposlenim ne nudi nobene pomoči, zato se zaposleni v stresnih situacijah s pogovorom obrnejo na ožje sodelavce.


emocionalno delo;domovi za stare;strokovni delavci;stari ljudje;oskrbovalci;oskrbovanci;empatija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [A. Stolnik]
UDC: 364.4-053.9
COBISS: 36317443 Link will open in a new window
Views: 338
Downloads: 66
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The importance of the employees emotional labour in the retirement home Ljutomer
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of my graduation thesis, I highlighted the importance and meaning of the institutional care and its impact on the recipients. I focused mainly on the emotions and thoughts of elderly when they leave their home and what kind of an impact the change of scenery has on them. My focus were still the emotions of the elderly and their contact with the outside world, workers at the retirement home and with other residents. Through it, I was able to uncover what kind of lifestyle they receive and if the retirement home, provides them good quality of life. Because of the work I had done, I had to analyse the meaning of emotional labour and how different authors perceive the meaning of it. Through experience, I researched to what extent is the emotional labour present in the Retirement Home Ljutomer and when executed, what does it mean to the recipients, how is it executed, what are the rules that apply and how do the employees cope with stress. I concluded that emotional labour applies to different kinds of work and is present in all work that is done with the residents. Employees strive to accomplish the satisfaction of the resident, because they are aware of the importance of authentic and real relations as well as the boundaries that need to be set. The majority of the residents does not expect special display of emotions from the employees, although the retirement homes expects exactly that. They expect the kindness of all the employees, which creates a positive atmosphere. The retirement home does not provide the support to the employees to cope with the stress, so they turn to their co-workers.
Secondary keywords: emotional labour;elderly people;retirement homes;care recipients;caregivers;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (101 str.))
ID: 12027569