zaključna naloga Razvojno raziskovalnega programa I. stopnje Strojništvo


Termokromizem je reverzibilen pojav, ki pri segrevanju ali ohlajanju temelji na spremembi barve snovi. Termokromno barvilo je dodano polimerom, ki se lahko pojavljajo kot termoplasti, elastomeri ali v obliki premazov. S svojo barvno spremembo se lahko termokromni materiali uporabljajo kot pokazatelji temperaturnih razlik pri skladiščenju nevarnih snovi, pakiranju živil, kot senzorji mehanskih obremenitev, regulatorji prepustnosti svetlobe in še v mnoge druge namene. Zaključna naloga obsega proučevanje vpliva 3D tiskanja termokromnega polimera PLA na njegove mehanske lastnosti. Proučevali smo vpliv temperature tiskanja na hitrost spremembe termokromne reakcije, vpliv UV svetlobe na termokromno reakcijo v 3D tiskanem polimeru, vpliv nateznega obremenjevanja materiala na spremembo barve polimera, vpliv temperature na viskoznost termokromnega polimera PLA ter termične lastnosti termokromnega PLA (DSC meritve). Ugotovili smo, da temperatura tiska vpliva na mehanske lastnosti polimera, da UV svetloba uniči termokromni mehanizem v polimeru, ter da se viskoznost polimera s poviševanjem temperature znižuje. Določili smo točko steklastega prehoda, temperaturo kristalizacije ter točko taljenja komercialnega termokromnega polimera.


diplomske naloge;polimeri;termokromizem;3D tiskanje;PLA (polilaktična kislina);viskoznost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Klemenc]
UDC: 678.7:544.164.032.4:621.9.04(043.2)
COBISS: 28829443 Link will open in a new window
Views: 842
Downloads: 128
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Termochromic polymers and the effect of 3D printing of thermochromic polylactic acid on mechanical properties
Secondary abstract: Thermochromism is a reversible phenomenon based on a change in the color of the substance, depending on whether the substance is heated or not. Thermochromic dye is added to polymers, which can appear as thermoplastics, elastomers or in the form of coatings. With their color change, they can be used as indicators of temperature differences in the storage of hazardous substances, food packaging, mechanical load sensors, light transmittance regulators and for many other purposes. In this study we investigated the influence of 3D ptinting of thermochromic polymer PLA on its mechanical properties. We studied the influence of printing temperature on the rate of change of thermochromic reaction, the influence of UV light on thermochromic reaction in 3D printed polymer, the influence of tensile loading of material on polymer color change, the influence of temperature on viscosity of thermochromic polymer PLA and thermal properties of thermochromic PLA. The results showed that the printing temperature affects the mechanical properties of the polymer, moreover UV light destroys the thermochromic mechanism in the polymer, and the viscosity of the polymer decreases with increasing temperature. Thermal characterization enabled the determination of the glass transition, crystallization and melting point of the polymer.
Secondary keywords: thesis;polymers;thermochromism;3D printing;PLA (polylactic acid);viscosity;
Type (COBISS): Final paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XIII, 45 f.
ID: 12027685
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