magistrsko delo
Učenci neznane člene v računskih operacijah seštevanja in odštevanja računajo že v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju v osnovni šoli. Ta znanja prištevamo k temeljnim matematičnim vsebinam, ki so pomembne za nadaljnje osnovnošolsko izobraževanje. Gre za znanja, pomembna v vsakdanjem življenju posameznika, ki pa hkrati predstavljajo eno izmed težjih matematičnih vsebin. Za znanje računanja neznanih členov morajo učenci obvladati in hkrati uporabljati obsežna prej usvojena matematična znanja s področja aritmetike in algebre. Težave učencev na področju algebrskih znanj potrjujejo tudi rezultati preverjanj znanj pri matematiki, kot sta Nacionalno preverjanje znanja na državnem nivoju in TIMSS na mednarodnem. Računske naloge z neznanim členom so še posebno zahtevne za učence s specifičnimi učnimi težavami pri matematiki, zato je slabša zmožnost reševanja teh nalog pogosto navedena kot znak specifičnih učnih težav.
Namen magistrskega dela je bil s teoretičnega vidika osvetliti problem računanja neznanih členov pri seštevanju in odštevanju v povezavi s specifičnimi učnimi težavami pri matematiki. Osrednji cilj empirične raziskave je bil po začetni oceni razvoja občutka za števila, avtomatizacije aritmetičnih dejstev in postopkov ter proceduralnega in konceptualnega znanja računanja neznanih členov pri seštevanju in odštevanju v trening vključenih učencev oblikovati, izvesti in evalvirati trening za razvoj konceptualnega in proceduralnega znanja računanja z neznanimi členi pri seštevanju in odštevanju. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal štiri učence tretjega razreda osnovne šole, ki imajo specifične učne težave pri matematiki in so vključeni v pomoč na tretji stopnji petstopenjskega modela pomoči učencem z učnimi težavami. Trening je vključeval raznolike vaje združevanja, razdruževanja, spoznavanja odnosov med členi v računskih operacijah seštevanja in odštevanja, spoznavanja odnosa med seštevanjem in odštevanjem ter računanje neznanih členov na konkretnem, slikovnem in abstraktnem nivoju. Po izvedbi treninga smo preverili tudi znanje računanja neznanih členov pri seštevanju in odštevanju pri vrstnikih v trening vključenih učencev in na ta način primerjali napredek učencev, ki so bili vključeni v trening. Primerjava rezultatov prvega in drugega merjenja znanja računanja neznanih členov pri seštevanju in odštevanju z rezultati vrstnikov na končnem preizkusu je pokazala, da so vsi v trening vključeni učenci napredovali na področju računanja neznanih členov in se precej približali oz. skoraj izenačili s povprečjem rezultatov vrstnikov.
Teoretične osnove, zasnova primera treninga in spoznanja empirične raziskave so lahko v pomoč učiteljem, izvajalcem učne in dodatne strokovne pomoči ter specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom pri obravnavi učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami na področju računanja neznanih členov pri seštevanju in odštevanju.
računanje z neznanim členom;pojem števila;koncept deli-celota;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[J. Bračič] |
UDC: |
376:51(043.2) |
Views: |
233 |
Downloads: |
20 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Training to solve addition and subtraction problems with an unknown for primary students with specific learning difficulties in mathematics |
Secondary abstract: |
Students solve addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors as part of their earliest arithmetic lessons in primary school. These are understood to be basic mathematical skills, which are an essential foundation for further primary school studies. These skills are simultaneously important in an individual's everyday life and also considered one of the harder topics in mathematics. In order to successfully calculate the missing factors, students must first master and then use a number of previously acquired arithmetical and algebraical concepts. The results of different mathematics assessment tests, i.e. Slovenian national standardised testing and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), also confirm that students have difficulty with algebra. Arithmetic tasks involving a missing factor are especially challenging for students with specific learning difficulties in mathematics, which is why problems with solving these tasks are often considered indicative of specific learning difficulties.
The aim of this master's thesis was to examine the problem of solving addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors from a theoretical standpoint and in connection with specific learning difficulties in mathematics. The primary goal of the empirical research was first to assess the developed sense for numbers, the degree of automation of arithmetic facts and procedures and the procedural and conceptual skills for solving addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors of the students taking part in the practice sessions and then to develop, carry out, and evaluate a practice programme for developing the conceptual and procedural skills necessary for solving addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors. The research sample included four students from Year 3 of primary school with specific learning difficulties in mathematics, who were included in Stage 3 of a 5-stage model for helping students with learning difficulties. The practice programme included various exercises for associating, breaking apart, and becoming familiar with the relationship between factors involved in addition and subtraction, learning about the relationship between addition and subtraction, and calculating missing factors using concrete pictorial and abstract examples. Following the completion of the practice programme, we also assessed the ability to solve addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors of those classmates not included in the programme, which allowed us to compare their results with the progress made by the study participants. Comparing the results of the first and second assessment of solving addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors with the results achieved by non-participating classmates during the final test showed that all the students included in the practice programme made progress in solving addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors, coming close to and almost equalling the average achieved by their classmates.
The theoretical bases, the practice programme outline, and the results of the empirical research can help teachers, staff offering remedial programmes and additional help, as well as specialised and rehabilitation teachers, when working with students with specific learning difficulties associated with solving addition and subtraction exercises with missing factors. |
Secondary keywords: |
learning difficulty;mathematics;učne težave;matematika; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave |
Pages: |
147 str. |
ID: |
12029277 |