diplomsko delo
Nekroptoza je ena izmed oblik programirane nekroze, pri kateri ima ključno vlogo protein MLKL (ang. mixed lineage kinase-domain like), ki ob aktivaciji oligomerizira, se vgradi v plazmalemo in povzroči sprostitev celične vsebine. V signalni poti imajo pomembno vlogo tudi drugi nekroptotični proteini, predvsem kinazi RIPK1 in RIPK3. Nekroptoza nastopi v primeru neaktivnosti celičnih kaspaz kot posledica stimulacije receptorjev smrti, Tollu podobnih receptorjev ali preko delovanja interferonov. Nekroptotično signalno pot lahko inhibiramo z dodatkom nekrostatinov, ki se jih uporablja tudi pri preučevanju množice različnih bolezenskih stanj, katerih pojav in razvoj sta tesno povezana s to obliko celične smrti. V splošnem lahko rečemo, da so mehanizmi iniciacije, regulacije in inhibicije nekroptoze kompleksni in potekajo preko številnih signalnih poti. Z uporabo različnih sistemov fluorescenčnega označevanja celičnih komponent, bi lahko spremljali znotrajcelično lokacijo proteina MLKL in njegov prenos v celično membrano. To bi nam omogočilo opazovanje lege ključnega nekroptotičnega proteina med procesom nekroptoze, rezultati pa bi nam nudili vpogled v značilnosti te oblike celične smrti. Za označevanje znotrajceličnih proteinov se uporabljajo različne proteinske oznake, ki jih fuziramo s tarčnim proteinom. Najpreprostejša je uporaba fluorescenčnih proteinov, ki emitirajo fluorescenco po vzbujanju s svetlobo določene valovne dolžine. V to skupino uvrščamo zelen fluoresenčni protein in njegove homologe ter mutante, s flavinom povezane fluorescenčne proteine in bilin vezavne fluorescenčne proteine. Pogosto se uporabljajo tudi fluorogen aktivirajoči proteini, ki fluorescirajo šele po vezavi fluorogenega liganda. Reakcijo vezave katalizirajo različni encimi, ki lahko ligand pritrdijo na lasten aminokislinski ostanek ali na drug protein. V to skupino peptidnih fluorescenčnih oznak uvrščamo sisteme HaloTag, SNAP-Tag, CLIP-Tag in TMP-Tag.
celična smrt;nekroptoza;nekroptotični proteini;protein MLKL;označevanje proteinov;fluorescenčni proteini;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology |
Publisher: |
[M. Lokar] |
UDC: |
577.112(043.2) |
Views: |
352 |
Downloads: |
126 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Labelling active form of MLKL |
Secondary abstract: |
Necroptosis is a form of programmed necrosis, in which protein MLKL (mixed lineage kinase-domain like) plays a key role. After the activation MLKL forms oligomers, translocates to plasma membrane and causes the release of cell content. There are also other necroptotic proteins that have important role in this signalling pathway, including kinases RIPK1 and RIPK3. Necroptosis occurs when caspases are inactive and after the stimulation of death receptors, Toll-like receptors or as a result of interferon mediated response. Necroptotic signalling pathway can be inhibited by necrostatins, which are commonly used when studying different diseases associated with this form of cell death. The mechanisms of initiation, regulation and inhibition of necroptosis are therefore complex and proceed through numerous signalling pathways. The intracellular location of protein MLKL and its translocation to plasma membrane can be monitored by the usage of different fluorescent labelling systems. By tagging the key necroptotic protein we could track its position during the process of necroptosis, which would provide an insight into the characteristics of this form of cell death. Different protein tags, which are fused with target protein, are used for labelling intracellular proteins. The simplest are fluorescent proteins, which emit fluorescence after the excitation with specific wavelength. There are numerous tags classified in this group, including green fluorescence protein, its homologs and mutants, flavin-based fluorescent proteins and bilin-binding fluorescent proteins. Fluorogen-activating proteins, which emit fluorescence only after binding to fluorophore, are also frequently used. The binding reaction can be catalysed by different enzymes, which attach the ligand to its own residue or to another protein. This group of peptide fluorescent tags includes systems HaloTag, SNAP-Tag, CLIP-Tag and TMP-Tag. |
Secondary keywords: |
necroptosis;protein labelling; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
1000371 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, UNI Biokemija |
Pages: |
XX, 40 str. |
ID: |
12031202 |