diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu najprej predstavim koncept avtentičnosti v turizmu ter turistično in komercialno fotografijo. Z razvojem novih tehnologij je pomembnost vizualnega v turizmu postala poglavitnega pomena. Zaradi čedalje hitrejšega ustvarjanja estetsko dovršenih fotografij in podob se je posledično spremenil tudi naš odnos do turističnih destinacij, spremembe pa so se zgodile tudi pri turistovih odločitvah pri načrtovanju potovanj. Prav tako je na spremembe vplival tudi vse hitrejši razvoj družbenih omrežij, s tem pa so v ospredje prišli spletni vplivneži, ki jih danes lahko vidimo tudi kot nove neinstitucionalne akterje v turizmu. V diplomskem delu me je zanimalo predvsem to, kako prevladujoči spletni mediji vrednotijo spletne vplivneže in turistično fotografijo, objavljeno na družbenem omrežju Instagram. Analizo sem opravila z metodo okvirjanja, ki je vplivala na potrditev dveh postavljenih tez, da v analiziranih člankih ni problematizirana turistična industrija, ampak posamezniki in njihove dejavnosti na Instagramu, ter da je turistična fotografija v analiziranih člankih predstavljena kot umetno ustvarjena in neavtentična.


avtentičnost;turistična fotografija;družbeno omrežje Instagram;spletni vplivneži;Spletna družabna omrežja;Turizem;Fotografija;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [L. Kralj]
UDC: 316.472.4:338.48(043.2)
COBISS: 29808643 Link will open in a new window
Views: 371
Downloads: 105
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of media coverage about Instagram as mass destructor of a tourism
Secondary abstract: The thesis discusses the concept of authenticity in tourism, and travel and commercial photography. With the development of new technologies, visuality in tourism has become more important than ever. Faster production and circulation of aesthetic photographs have changed touristsʹ opinions of a tourist destination and their decisions connected to it. Simultaneously, the development of social media, which has led to the rise of social media influencers, has also played a part in this shift. These are now seen as the new non-institutional actors in tourism. The object of the thesis was to examine how the online mainstream media values online influencers and travel photographs posted on the social media platform Instagram. The analysis was conducted with the method of framing, which led to the confirmation of two thesesʹthat, in the analyzed articles, the travel industry itself is not problematized but rather individuals and their activities on Instagram, and that, in the analyzed articles, travel photography is seen as artificially produced and inauthentic.
Secondary keywords: authenticity;tourist photography;social media platform Instagram;online influencers;Online social networks;Tourism;Photography;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 51 str.
ID: 12033064
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