diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Suzana Kužnik (Author), Blaž Markelj (Mentor), Miha Dvojmoč (Co-mentor)


Splošna uredba o varstvu osebnih podatkov je varovanje osebnih podatkov nekaterim organizacijam obrnila v novo smer, v smer zavedanja, da mogoče ni vse tako samoumevno in varno. Področje igralništva mora slediti različni zakonodaji in ukrepom, da vzdržujejo nadzorovano okolje za preprečevanje socialnih problemov (odvisnosti) oziroma nezakonitih dejanj (pranje denarja, goljufije). Zaposleni v institucijah, ki opravljajo preizkušanje in kontrolo igralnih naprav, se morajo za marsikatero jurisdikcijo razkriti do potankosti, prav tako njihovi svojci, bivši svojci in celo prijatelji. Glede na nabor osebnih podatkov in posebnih vrst podatkov, ki jih institucija o zaposlenih in svojcih hrani, mora biti raven varstva osebnih podatkov na najvišji možni ravni. Zanimivo je, da vsa zakonodaja zahteva določeno stopnjo tajnosti podatkov v zvezi s preizkušanjem in rezultati preizkušanja, kljub zahtevi po obširnem naboru osebnih podatkov pa zahtev o varovanju le-teh ni nikjer. S prihodom Splošne uredbe o varstvu osebnih podatkov pa so se zahteve tudi na tem področju spremenile. Posamezniki imajo zaradi nove uredbe o varstvu osebnih podatkov več pravic glede obdelave, določene izmed njih imajo v primeru zahteve posledico izgube licence za poslovanje v tisti jurisdikciji. Pravice, ki jih uredba omogoča posameznikom, so za marsikatero organizacijo zahtevne za izpolnjevanje, tretje države, ki obdelujejo osebne podatke evropskih državljanov pa se pogosto ne zanimajo za to, saj je poslovanje z njimi večkrat privilegij podjetja kot dolžnost. Najzahtevnejša pravica je sigurno pravica do seznanitve s svojimi osebnimi podatki in podatkom, kdo dostopa do le-teh, glede na obseg osebnih podatkov, ki jih morajo zaposleni in ključni zaposleni razkriti.


diplomske naloge;igralništvo;osebni podatki;varovanje;zakonitost;tajnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [S. Kužnik]
UDC: 342.7+794.9(043.2)
COBISS: 28983555 Link will open in a new window
Views: 384
Downloads: 69
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Implementation of general data protection regulation in gaming technologies
Secondary abstract: New way of personal data security was designed with General data protection regulation, organizations with awareness that this could be their opportunity for better understanding in the direction of the realization that not everything can be taken for granted and secure, not just personal data protection but also their information security have taken this for good. The field of gambling must follow different legislation and measures to maintain a controlled environment for preventing social problems (addiction) or illegal acts (money laundering, fraud). Employees of institutions providing testing and control of gaming devices must be disclosed in detail in many jurisdictions, as should their relatives, ex-relatives and even friends. Depending on the set of personal data and the specific types of data held by the institution on employees and relatives, the level of protection of personal data should be at the highest possible level. Interestingly, all legislation requires a certain level of secrecy of data and information relating to testing and test results, but despite the requirement for a comprehensive set of personal data, there are no requirements to protect it. However, with the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation, requirements in this area have changed as well. Individuals have more rights regarding the processing of their data, certain of them in the event of requirements, resulting in the loss of the license to operate with that jurisdiction. The rights afforded to individuals by the regulation are difficult for many organizations to fulfill, and third countries that process European citizens' personal data are often not interested in doing so, because doing business with them is often a privilege of the company not a duty. The most demanding right is certainly the right to be informed about your personal data and who is accessing it, given the amount of personal data that employees and key employees must disclose.
Secondary keywords: gaming;personal data;security;Lawfulness;secrecy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 36 str.
ID: 12034985