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Klemen Fekonja (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Povezovanje pravnih subjektov v pravna razmerja z določitvijo medsebojnih pravic in obveznosti v konkretiziranih družbenih razmerjih lahko tolmačimo kot eno izmed temeljnih funkcij prava. Funkcionalna ureditev konkretnega pravnega instituta daje (pravnim) subjektom upravičenja za učinkovito uveljavljanje interesov, pravic in izpolnjevanje obveznosti ter drugih dejanj, ob tem pa je nujno, da so takšna ravnanja z vidika pravnih posledic vnaprej jasne in nedvoumno predvidljive. V slovenskem pravnem redu so stvarne pravice taksativno naštete, predmet stvari pa je lahko le stvar, ki ima sposobnost stvari. Načelo specialnosti določa, da je predmet stvarnih pravic lahko samo individualno določena samostojna stvar, katere zakon izrecno deli na premične in nepremične stvari. Nepremična stvar, oziroma dosledneje v tem delu nepremičnina, je prostorsko odmerjen del zemeljske površine, skupaj z vsemi sestavinami. Skladno z načelom povezanosti zemljišča in objekta, tj. načelom superficies solo cedit, je, da je vse, kar je po namenu trajno spojeno ali trajno na nepremičnini, nad ali pod njo, sestavina nepremičnine, razen če zakon ne določa drugače. Zadevni načeli pa nista absolutni in dopuščata izjemo (tudi) v primeru etažne lastnine. V slovenskem pravnem redu se v zvezi s pojmom etažne lastnine tega nazorno razume kot posebno obliko solastnine nepremičnin. Kadar razpredamo o etažni lastnini moramo uporabiti temeljno izhodišče, tj. 105. člen SPZ. Z etažno lastnino se de facto razširja pojavna oblika nepremičnine, ki omogoča, da se posamezni deli stavbe v pravnem prometu obravnavajo kot samostojna stvar ob upoštevanju, da gre za lastninsko pravico na posameznem delu stavbe kot samostojne stvari s solastninskim razmerjem na skupnih delih. Navedeno pravzaprav pomeni osamosvojitev posameznega dela stavbe od zemljišča, zaradi česar lahko kot samostojna stvar postane predmet lastnine (in drugih pravic). Kadar govorimo o preoblikovanju lastninske pravice v etažno lastnino, govorimo o oblikovanju posebne možnosti razpolaganja lastnika zemljišča, na katerem stoji stavba, ki tehnično omogoča delitev na posamezne in skupne dele, objektivno. Čeprav gre pri oblikovanju etažne lastnine za možnost fizične delitve zgradbe, gre kljub temu še vedno za pravno dejanje npr. lastnika zemljišča oziroma solastnikov takšnega zemljišča na podlagi sporazuma, ki ga lahko nadomesti tudi odločba sodišča o delitvi konkretnega zemljišča. Etažna lastnina namreč avtomatično ne nastane zgolj zaradi obstoja dejstva, da v stavbi obstaja več samostojnih funkcionalnih enot.


etažna lastnina;lastninska pravica;preoblikovanje lastninske pravice v etažno lastnino;načelo superficies solo cedit;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: K. Fekonja]
UDC: 347.23(043.3)
COBISS: 32212739 Link will open in a new window
Views: 705
Downloads: 123
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The transformation of the property right into commonhold
Secondary abstract: Binding legal subjects into legal relations with the establishment of mutual rights and obligations in concrete social relationships can be interpreted as one of the key functions of the law. Functional arrangement of the concrete legal institute gives (legal) subjects justification for effective assertion of interests, rights and fulfilment of obligations and other acts. It is essential that these acts be clear and unambiguously foreseeable in light of legal consequences. In Slovene legal order, rights in rem are exhaustively listed and the subject of property may only be a property with the capacity of a property. The principle of speciality states that the subject of rights in rem may only be an individually determined independent property, which the law explicitly categorises into movable and immovable property. Immovable property (in this part more consistently referred to as real estate) is a spatially measured part of land, with all parts thereof. In line with the principle of binding the land and the building (i.e. superficies solo cedit), everything that is by purpose permanently joined or permanently on, above or under the real estate represents part of the real estate, unless otherwise stated by law. However, these principles are not absolute and allow exceptions (also) with respect to commonhold. In Slovene legal order, the term commonhold is strictly interpreted as a special form of joint real estate ownership. In commonhold discussions, the fundamental premise must be used, i.e. Article 105 of the Slovene Law of Property Code. Commonhold de facto expands the manifestation of real estate that allows individual parts of the building in legal transactions to be considered as individual properties, taking into consideration the ownership right of an individual part of the building as an individual property, with joint ownership of joint parts. This in fact means that the individual part of the building becomes independent from the land and may, as an individual property, in turn become the subject of property (and other rights). Transformation of the ownership right into commonhold represents the granting of a special disposal option to the owner of the land, on which the building is situated. Technically, this enables an objective division into individual and joint parts. Even though the establishment of commonhold represents the option of physically dividing the building, it is still a legal act carried out by, for example, the owner or co-owner of such land on the basis of an agreement that can be superseded by court decision ruling the division of concrete land. Commonhold is not established automatically by the fact that the building consists of multiple individually functioning units.
Secondary keywords: commonhold;property right;the transformation of the property right into commonhold;principle of superficies solo cedit.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Pages: 69 str.
ID: 12036045