diplomsko delo
Ida Bahorić (Author), Polonca Kovač (Mentor)


Upravni postopek je namenjen pridobivanju pravic strank in nalaganju obveznosti po uradni dolžnosti. Pri tem je za uveljavljanje tako strankinega kot javnega interesa pomembno, da se sledi določenim fazam upravnega postopka, ki jih je treba voditi učinkovito in brez zavlačevanja, ter postopek zaključiti v čim krajšem času. Pri preučevanju posameznih faz upravnega postopka sem uporabila normativno in deskriptivno ter dogmatsko metodo ter se oprla na Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku (ZUP) in povezane predpise. Z metodo kompilacije sem iz sekundarnih virov, kot so strokovni članki in znanstvena literatura, povzela stališča različnih avtorjev, prednostno tista dela, ki definirajo faze upravnega postopka po ZUP. Javna uprava si čedalje bolj prizadeva za učinkovito reševanje upravnih postopkov v zadovoljstvo strank. V empiričnem delu sem z analizo statističnih podatkov preučila delovanje izbranih upravnih enot in reševanje zadev na prvi stopnji v obdobju od 2014 do 2018 ter pridobila vpogled v učinkovitost delovanja in obremenitve izbranih UE. Statistične podatke o kazalnikih sem pridobila iz letnih poročil upravnih enot Ministrstva za javno upravo. Za vrednotenje rezultatov sem aplicirala aksiološko-deontološko metodo in s kvantitativno metodo preverila zastavljeni hipotezi. Nato sem podala še nekaj predlogov izboljšav.


upravne enote;upravni postopek;učinkovitost;obremenitve;Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [I. Bahorić]
UDC: 35
COBISS: 28527363 Link will open in a new window
Views: 480
Downloads: 165
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of administrative procedure's phases and procedure's length at the selected administrative units
Secondary abstract: The administrative procedure is intended to acquire the rights of the individuals and to impose obligations ex officio. To assert both the individual and the public interest, it is important to follow certain stages of the administrative procedure, which must be conducted efficiently and without delay, and to complete the procedure as soon as possible. In studying the individual phases of the administrative procedure, I used the normative, descriptive and dogmatic methods and relied on the General Administrative Procedure Act and related regulations. Using the compilation method, I summarized the views of various authors from secondary sources, such as expert articles and scientific literature, preferably those papers that define the phases of the administrative procedure according to the General Administrative Procedure Act. The public administration is increasingly striving to resolve administrative procedures efficiently to the satisfaction of clients. In the empirical part by analyzing statistical data, I analyzed the activities of the selected administrative units and resolving cases in the first level in the period from 2014 to 2018. I gained insight into the efficiency of the activities and burden of the selected administrative units. I obtained statistical data on indicators from the annual reports of administrative units of the Ministry of Public Administration. To evaluate the results, I applied the axiological-deontological method and tested the set hypothesis with the quantitative method. Then I made a few suggestions for improvements.
Secondary keywords: administrative units;administrative procedure;efficiency;burdens;General Administrative Procedure Act;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000530
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: X, 73 str.
ID: 12037008