diplomsko delo
Uvod: Pomladi leta 2020 je izbruh covida-19 povzročil zaprtje številnih fakultet in jih prisilil, da so izobraževalni proces nadaljevale prek spleta. Za študente zdravstvenih fakultet, ki morajo v okviru študija opraviti tudi praktično usposabljanje na klinikah, lahko ta situacija potencialo privede do še večje obremenjenosti. Obremenjenost se lahko še poveča, če se študentje študiju na daljavo ne morejo prilagoditi. Namen: Z raziskavo želimo ugotoviti, kakšno stopnjo obremenitve so doživljali študenti zdravstvene nege, katera spletna orodja so bila najpogosteje uporabljena za študij na daljavo ter kateri način podajanja študijske snovi je večini študentov najbolj ustrezal. Metode dela: Izvedli smo kvantitativno presečno študijo z neeksperimentalno deskriptivno metodo. Za potrebe raziskave je bil oblikovan anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval vprašanja zaprtega in odprtega tipa. Obdelava podatkov ankete je potekala na spletni strani EnKlikAnketa z uporabo multitabel, frekvenc in grafov. Rezultati: Vprašalnik je ustrezno izpolnilo 187 študentov zdravstvene nege, starih med 20 in 49 let. Od teh je bilo 163 ženskega in 24 moškega spola. Večina poleg študija ni bila zaposlena, nekaj je bilo zaposlenih prek študentskega servisa in nekaj redno zaposlenih.Večini študentov je največjo obremenitev pred epidemijo in tudi v času epidemije predstavljalo opravljanje študijskih obveznosti. Pri študiju na daljavo so bila največkrat uporabljena spletna orodja Zoom meetings, spletna učilnica Moodle in Cisco Webex, ki so se študentom zdela enostavna za uporabo. Kot najbolj utrezne načine podajanja študijske snovi so izbrali spletno učilnico Moodle, komunikacijo prek e-pošte in spletna predavanja. Na splošno so bili študentje s študijem na daljavo zadovoljni, menijo le, da so se učitelji ter fakultete slabše prilagodili. V času epidemije je večina študentov pogrešala fizično druženje s sošolci in se je z njimi povezovala prek spleta, največkrat v povezavi s študijem. Razprava in zaključek: Odkrili smo, da so študentom tako v času epidemije kot pred epidemijo največjo obremenitev predstavljale študijske obveznosti. S prilagajanjem na uporabo spletnih orodij niso imeli veliko težav, težave so jim povzročali predvsem neenakomerna obremenjenost s študijskimi obveznostmi, slabša prilagodljivost učiteljev in fakultet ter tehnične težave. Najbolj so jim ustrezali načini podajanja študijske snovi, ki so bili vsaj delno vodeni in nadzorovani s strani učiteljev. Študentje so mnenja, da so v času epidemije dosegli predvideno znanje.
diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;učenje na daljavo;e-izobraževanje;covid-19;koronavirus;pandemija;študenti zdravstvene nege;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[M. Sedej Knezović] |
UDC: |
616-083 |
Views: |
1431 |
Downloads: |
669 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Experience of distance learning of nursing students during the covid-19 epidemic |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: In the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak led to closure of many faculties, forcing them to continue the educational process online. For students of health faculties, who have to complete practical training in clinical setting as part of their studies, the situation may increase the possibility of work-overload. The work-overload can become even greater for students who cannot adapt to distance learning. Purpose: The aim of our research was to determine the level of work-overload experienced by nursing students, to discover which online tools were most commonly used and which distance learning methods the students found most suitable. Methods: We used a quantitative cross-sectional study based on a non-experimental descriptive method. A questionnaire with closed and opened questions was designed for this purpose. The survey data was processed using the EnKlikAnketa website, which provides multitables, frequencies and graphs. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 187 nursing students between 20 and 49 years of age, 163 of whom were female and 24 male. Most of them were not employed during their studies, some had student jobs and some were fully employed. For most students the greatest burden both before and during the epidemic were their study obligations. The most commonly used distance learning tools were Zoom meetings, Moodle online classroom, and Cisco Webex, all of which the students found easy to use. The students found the best ways to receive their study materials were through the Moodle online classroom, via e-mail and in the form of online lectures. In general, the students were satisfied with distance learning, their only complaint was that their professors and faculties have not adapted as well. However, during the epidemic most of the students missed physical socialisation with their classmates and the majority connected with them online, mostly related to studies. Discussion and conclusion: We found that both before and during the epidemic, their study obligations caused the largest work-overload for the students. The students have not experienced much difficulties adapting to the use of online tools, but they have had problems with uneven workload, poor adaptability of professors and educational institutions, and technical problems. They found that the best ways of distance learning were at least partially led and supervised by the professors (assignments in the Moodle online classroom, communication via e-mail and videoconferences). However, in general the students believe that they have reached the expected level of knowledge during the epidemic. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;nursing care;distance learning;e-learning;covid-19;coronavirus;pandemic;nursing students; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego |
Pages: |
34 str. |
ID: |
12038932 |