magistrsko delo
Lea Lipnik (Author), Polona Tratnik (Mentor)


Virtualna resničnost se v povezavi s tehnologijo že zadnjih nekaj let pojavlja v raznovrstnih oblikah pri prikazovanju prostora in ima velik potencial pri nadaljnjem razvoju v prihodnosti. S pomočjo sodobne virtualne resničnosti si lahko ogledamo prostor, se hkrati potopimo vanj, z dodatnimi napravami za zvočne učinke in sledenje gibanju telesa se lahko počutimo, kot da bi se nahajali prav tam. Virtualna resničnost temelji na treh temeljnih načelih: potopitev, interakcija in sodelovanje uporabnikov z okoljem in pripovedjo ter ponuja zelo velik potencial, da postane učenje z njo bolj motivirano, atraktivno in interaktivno. Poudarja tudi, da učno gradivo, ki temelji na virtualni resničnosti, ne more popolnoma nadomestiti klasičnih učnih pripomočkov, temveč deluje kot dopolnilna, a hkrati enakovredna izkustvena metoda. V sklopu tehnologije virtualne resničnosti na primeru Cerkve sv. Trojice v Hrastovljah sem izdelala učno aplikacijo. S pomočjo programske opreme "Unity Engine", virtualnih očal "Oculus Rift 2016" in kamere "Samsung Gear 360" prikazuje aplikacija 360-stopinjskih fotografski sprehod po Cerkvi sv. Trojice v Hrastovljah, ki je dodatno nadgrajen z izobraževalnim besedilom, zvokom in interakcijo preko haptičnih ročk. Izdelana aplikacija, opisana v magistrskem delu, je namenjena prikazu umetnostnozgodovinskega virtualnega prostora kot učnega gradiva v javnih izobraževalnih ustanovah. S tem odpira nove možnosti raziskav in uporabe na področju izobraževanja, hkrati pa definira področje uporabe tovrstnih učnih orodij ter možnosti njihove vsesplošne razširitve.


magistrska dela;virtualna resničnost;tehnologija;izobraževanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Lipnik]
UDC: 72:004.9(043.2)
COBISS: 38324227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 931
Downloads: 123
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Virtual reality as a modern learning aid in the presentation of historical artworks
Secondary abstract: Virtual reality has been appearing in connection with technology in various forms in the presentation of space for the last few years, and thusly has great potential for further development in the future. With the help of modern virtual reality, we can see the space, at the same time immerse ourselves in it, and with additional devices for sound effects and tracking body movement, we can feel as if we are right there. Virtual reality is based on three basic principles: immersion, interaction and user interaction with the environment and the narration, and offers a very large potential to motivate learning, making it more attractive and interactive. It also emphasizes that learning material based on virtual reality cannot completely replace classical teaching aids, but acts as a complementary, yet at the same time equivalent, experiential method. Within virtual reality technology in the example of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Hrastovlje, I created a learning application. With the help of Unity Engine software, virtual reality headset Oculus Rift 2016, and a Samsung Gear 360 camera, the application displays a 360° photographic walkthrough of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Hrastovlje, which is then further upgraded with educational text, sound and interaction via haptic controllers. The created application, described within the master's thesis, is intended for the presentation of art-historical virtual space as a teaching aid within public educational institutions. With that it opens up new possibilities for research and use in the field of education, and at the same time defines the scope of use of such learning tools and the possibilities of their general expansion.
Secondary keywords: master theses;virtual reality;technology;education;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: X f., 84 str.
ID: 12040142