diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Pia Ščap (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Mentor)


Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati prednosti in slabosti uporabe steroidov ter oceniti, ali nasprotovanje njihovi uporabi temelji na dejanski škodi uporabnikom ali gre za zmoto sistema. V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili metodo pregledovanja podane literature. Uradnih virov ni veliko. Splet je bil naša žariščna točka informacij. S pomočjo znanstvenih člankov, raziskav, virov organov pregona smo razložili, kaj so steroidi, zgodovino, vrste steroidov in uporabo. Poudarek smo dajali tudi proizvodnji, preprodaji in pravnemu vidiku. V empiričnem delu smo primerjali že podane spletne strani, s pomočjo katerih smo ugotovili, da so steroidi nevarni, če se konzumirajo v previsokih količinah brez zdravstvenega nadzora. Ugotovili smo, da so največji uporabniki steroidov fitnesarji, ter potrdili uspešnost organov pregona pri zasegu preprodajalcev steroidov. Predstavili smo tudi intervju z enim izmed slovenskih bodibilderjev, ki nam je obrazložil svojo zgodbo in podal morebitne napotke, ki pripomorejo k uporabi steroidov. Večina uporabnikov ne prizna, da uporablja steroide. Zanje je to občutljiva tema, saj ne želijo priznati, da jim s kemijo uspeva dosegati boljše rezultate. Ne želijo sodelovati niti v anketi niti v intervjuju. Za nadaljnje uspešno raziskovanje oz. izvedbo raziskave bi bilo treba uporabiti poznanstva. Diplomsko delo bo pripomoglo k boljšemu razumevanju steroidov, njihovi varni uporabi, poznavanju njihovega nastanka in pa legalizaciji. Steroidi so proizvedeni v ilegalnih podzemnih laboratorijih. Govorimo o mednarodni težavi, saj gre za svetovno izmenjavo prepovedanih snovi, in o trgovini s prepovedano drogo, trgovini s prepovedanimi steroidi. Uporaba se z leti veča in posledično prodaja raste. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno vsem, ki želijo bolje razumeti steroide.


diplomske naloge;steroidi;fitnes;kriminal;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [P. Ščap]
UDC: 796.01:613.2(043.2)
COBISS: 29614339 Link will open in a new window
Views: 391
Downloads: 119
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The presence of steroids in fitness
Secondary abstract: The main goal of the thesis is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of steroid use and to assess whether opposition to their use is based on actual harm to users or a system error. In the theoretical part, we used the method of reviewing the given literature. There are not many official sources. The internet has been our focal point of information. With the help of scientific articles, research, law enforcement sources, we explained what steroids are, history, types of steroids and use. We also focused on production, resale and the legal aspect. In the empirical part, we compared the already given websites, with the help of which we found that steroids are dangerous if consumed in excessive amounts without health supervision. We found that the biggest users of steroids are fitness enthusiasts, and confirmed the success of law enforcement agencies in seizing steroid traffickers. We also presented an interview with one of the Slovenian bodybuilders, who explained his story and gave us instructions that help to use steroids. Most users do not admit to using steroids. For them, this is a sensitive topic, as they do not want to admit that they manage to achieve better results with chemistry. They do not want to participate in either the survey or the interview. For further successful research or. acquaintances should be used to carry out the research. The thesis will help to better understand steroids, their safe use, knowledge of their origin and legalization. Steroids are produced in illegal underground laboratories. We are talking about an international problem, because it is a global exchange of illicit substances, and about the drug trade, the trade in illicit steroids. Usage increases over the years and consequently sales grow. The thesis is intended for anyone who wants to better understand steroids.
Secondary keywords: steroids;fitness;crime;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: V, 48 str.
ID: 12040797