(na primeru branja slovenskih študentov polonistike)
Aleksandra Rošer (Author), Maria Wtorkowska (Mentor)


Tema diplomske naloge je glasoslovje oziroma fonetika, ki se ukvarja s preučevanjem glasov, njihovo sestavo, povezovanjem in razvrščanjem v višje pomenske enote. Dotaknili se bomo teorije fonetike, sledi torej pregled glasov v slovenskem in poljskem jeziku, kratek pregled zgodovine fonetike, opis procesa nastajanja glasu in tipičnih govornih napak, ki se pojavljajo pri izgovorjavi samoglasnikov in soglasnikov. V praktičnem delu nas bodo zanimala opažanja poslušanja zvočnih posnetkov študentov prve in druge stopnje ljubljanske polonistike. Analizirali bomo poljske samoglasnike in se osredotočili na napake ob izgovorjavi in možne vzroke za nastanek le-teh, mdr. artikulacija glasu [y], izgovorjava nosnih glasov "ą" in "ę", težnja po redukciji [y] ali [e], izgovorjava glasu "w" kot [u], [v], [u] in samostalniškega dvoglasja "au" in "eu".


poljščina;fonetika;fonetična analiza;samoglasniki;napake pri izgovorjavi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Rošer]
UDC: 811.162.1'34
COBISS: 47379459 Link will open in a new window
Views: 421
Downloads: 78
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Phonetic Analysis of Polish Vowels (as read by Slovenian students of Polonistics)
Secondary abstract: The topic of this thesis is phonetics, a discipline studying sounds and their articulation as well as connecting and categorising them into higher semantical units. The thesis touches upon the theory of phonetics, namely an overview of sounds in Slovene and Polish, an outline of the history of phonetics and descriptions of speech production and typical speech errors that occur during pronunciation of vowels and consonants. In its practical part, the thesis focuses on sound recordings of under- and postgraduate students of Polish studies at the University of Ljubljana. Analysing Polish vowels, the attention is turned to speech errors and what could be causing them, e. g. articulation of [y], pronunciation of nasal vowels "ą" and "ę", tendency towards [y] or [e] reduction, pronunciation of [u], [v], [u] and diphthongs "au" and "eu".
Secondary keywords: Polish;phonetics;phonetic analysis;vowels;speech errors;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000554
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slavistiko
Pages: 57 str.
ID: 12040973
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