diplomsko delo
Janja Adamič (Author), Tatjana Pirman (Reviewer), Dušanka Jordan (Mentor)


Dandanašnji sistemi intenzivne reje živali lahko živalim povzročajo številne stresne situacije od fizične bolečine do psihičnih motenj, kar ogroža njihovo dobrobit. To se kaže tudi v reji kokoši nesnic, kjer prihaja do prevelike gostote naselitve živali, medsebojnega kljuvanja perja, različnih poškodb, bolezni in podobno. V diplomskem delu smo želeli preučiti različne načine reje kokoši nesnic in ugotoviti, kateri način reje je z vidika dobrobiti živali najprimernejši, ob upoštevanju vseh slabosti in prednosti posameznega načina reje. Ko govorimo o najprimernejših načinih reje kokoši nesnic moramo med seboj uskladiti zdravje živali, psihološke in etološke potrebe živali ter zdravje ljudi oz. varno hrano, pri vsem tem pa ne smemo pozabiti tudi na okolje. Ekološka in pašna reja se zdita z vidika dobrobiti živali najbolj primerni za rejo kokoši nesnic, saj obe nudita kokošim raznoliko okolje. Je pa pri obeh težje izvajati biovarnostne ukrepe, poleg tega obe zahtevata večje pašne površine. Talna reja in reja v voljerah se zdita z vidika dobrobiti živali primernejši za rejo kokoši nesnic v primerjavi s kletkami, saj nudita bolj raznoliko okolje in več prostora na žival. V obeh se v večji meri pojavlja kljuvanje perja, težave z nogami in raznorazne bolezni. V reji z voljerami prihaja do hujših poškodb prsnice. Reja v obogatenih kletkah se zdi neprimerna za rejo kokoši, saj nudi preskromno okolje in premalo prostora na žival. Toda v kletkah je kokoši lažje nadzirati, pojavlja se manj težav kot v alternativnih načinih reje.


kokoši;nesnice;sistemi reje;etologija;dobrobit živali;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL VF - Veterinary Faculty
Publisher: [J. Adamič]
UDC: 636.5:591.5(043.2)
COBISS: 29066243 Link will open in a new window
Views: 688
Downloads: 152
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of different housing systems for laying hens from the animal welfare point of view
Secondary abstract: Present-day intensive animal husbandry systems can cause animals many stressful situations from physical pain to mental disorders, which affect their welfare. This can be seen also in laying hens housing systems where problems such as high stocking density, feather pecking, different injuries, diseases etc. can be present. The aim of B. Sc. Thesis was to study different laying hens housing systems and find out which system is the most appropriate from the welfare point of view, taking into account each system disadvantages and advantages. When we speak of the most appropriate housing systems for laying hens, we must adjust many different points of view such as animal health, animal physical and mental needs, human health and safe food and by all that, we must not forget about the environment. Organic and free-range systems seem the most appropriate for keeping laying hens from the welfare point of view, because they both offer hens a diverse environment. However, in both it is harder to carry out biosecurity measures and they both request large grazing area. Floor and multi-tier system seem more appropriate for keeping laying hens than cages in terms of animal welfare, as they offer a more diverse environment and more space per animal. In both, the feather pecking, different leg problems and diseases occur to a greater extent. In multi-tier system severe keel bone injuries occur. Enriched battery cages are the most inappropriate system for keeping laying hens, because they offer little space per animal and poor environment. However, in cages hens are easier to control and fewer of the above mentioned problems occur than in alternative housing systems.
Secondary keywords: poultry;laying hens;housing systems;ethology;welfare;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VI, 11 str.
ID: 12040974