diplomsko delo
Alen Marijan (Author), Žiga Vodovnik (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z analizo delovanja skupine Laibach, ki skozi svoja dela povezuje politiko in glasbo ter umetnost in ideologijo. Osredotoča se na glasbo in estetiko skupine, posledično prav v tem išče kritiko politične oblasti. Diplomsko delo predstavlja politično angažirano delovanje skupine Laibach in na ta način analizira glasbeno ustvarjanje kot sredstvo upora proti oblasti in ideologiji. Skupina Laibach in njene ideološke provokacije se prvič pojavijo ravno v času resne gospodarske in politične krize v bivši Jugoslaviji. Kasneje Laibach svojega nasprotnika poišče v Zahodu in kapitalizmu, provokacija skupine pa doseže vrhunec leta 2015 z gostovanjem v Severni Koreji. Manipuliranje s totalitarističnimi simboli, provokativni nastopi in avantgardna umetnost so glavno sredstvo upora, katerega način se ne spreminja, ne glede na vladajočo ideologijo, političen sistem in časovno obdobje. Cilj članov skupine ostaja enak, in sicer analiziranje odnosa med kulturo in politiko, kar je še vedno osnovno izhodišče. Skupina Laibach ni politično ideološko usmerjena, čeprav je to v določenih trenutkih njenega delovanja težje razbrati, saj z uporabo totalitarnih simbolov provocira politični sistem, ki je v tistem trenutku na oblasti.


Laibach;politika;ideologija;umetnost;provokacija;Sociologija kulture;Glasba;Alternativna kultura;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [A. Marijan]
UDC: 316.7:32(043.2)
COBISS: 31905027 Link will open in a new window
Views: 430
Downloads: 92
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Laibach, Ideology and Revolt
Secondary abstract: This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the Laibach group activities, which connects politics and music, as well as art and ideology through their work. It focuses on the music and aesthetics of the Laibach, and its criticism of political power. The diploma thesis presents the politically engaged work of the Laibach and in this way analyzes musical creation as a paradigm of rebellion against power and ideology. Laibach and its ideological provocations first appear at the time of serious economic and political crises in the former Yugoslavia. Later on, Laibach finds its opponent in the West and capitalism, therefore the group%s provocation culminates in 2015 with a North Korea tour. Manipulation of totalitarian symbols, provocative performances and avant-garde art are the main means of resistance, the way of which does not change, regardless of the ruling ideology, political system and time period. The goal of the group members remains the same, namely, to analyze the relationship between culture and politics, which is still the basic starting point. Laibach is not politically ideologically oriented, although at certain moments of its operation it is more difficult to understand, as it uses totalitarian symbols to provoke the political system in power at the time.
Secondary keywords: Laibach;politics;ideology;art;provocation;Sociology of culture;Music;Alternative culture;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 47 str.
ID: 12042744