(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Magdalena Janežič (Author), Damjan Možina (Mentor)


Splošni pogoji poslovanja so tiste določbe pogodbe, ki so vnaprej pripravljene s strani ene pogodbene stranke, in glede vključitve katerih se stranke niso pogajale. Njihova ureditev ima, zaradi specifik posameznih držav, še posebej veliko težo v mednarodni trgovini. Za mednarodne prodajne pogodbe strank držav, ki so jo ratificirale in med katerimi je tudi Slovenija, praviloma velja Konvencija Združenih Narodov o mednarodni prodaji blaga, ki je najpomembnejši instrument poenotenja mednarodnega trgovinskega prava. Konvencija ne vsebuje izrecnih določb glede ureditve splošnih pogojev poslovanja, vendar se ne sme šteti, da gre za pravno praznino, saj so splošne določbe Konvencije o sklenitvi pogodbe dovolj za rešitev problema. Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava pravila glede splošnih pogojev poslovanja in zahteve za njihovo veljavno vključitev v pogodbo, ki so se s pomočjo omenjenih členov Konvencije glede sklenitve pogodbe v praksi izoblikovala. Kljub dokaj obširni teoriji in sodni praksi pa glede splošnih pogojev poslovanja še vedno pogosto prihaja do številnih dilem. Ko sta se stranki o vključitvi točno določenih splošnih pogojev poslovanja izrecno pogovarjali, le-ti praviloma niso problematični. Vendar pa v praksi poslovni subjekti uporabljajo standardizirane obrazce, kjer se na vključitev splošnih pogojev poslovanja samo sklicujejo. Do problemov v praksi prihaja, ko ena izmed strank zavrača njihovo uporabo. Takrat se pojavi vprašanje, ali so bili v pogodbo veljavno vključeni. Še bolj problematično je vprašanje, kateri sklop splošnih pogojev poslovanja je del pogodbe v primeru, ko želita svoje vključiti obe stranki. Magistrsko diplomsko delo se s temi vprašanji še posebej podrobno ukvarja in s pomočjo literature, in pa še posebej sodne prakse, poskuša predstaviti odgovore nanje.


splošni pogoji poslovanja;CISG;Konvencija Združenih Narodov o mednarodni prodaji;bitka splošnih pogojev poslovanja;vključitev splošnih pogojev poslovanja;mednarodno trgovinsko pravo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Janežič]
UDC: 347.7(043.2)
COBISS: 30310147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 566
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Standard contract terms and CISG
Secondary abstract: Standard contract terms are those terms in a contract, that were prepared from one contracting party in advance, and about the inclusion of which the parties did not negotiate. Their regulation is, due to the specifics of each country, especially important in the international trade. For international sales contracts of the parties from countries which ratified it, which includes Slovenia, The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, which is the most important instrument of unification of international sales law, applies. The Convention does not contain express terms regarding standard contract terms, but this should nevertheless not be considered as a gap in the Convention, as its articles regarding the contract formation suffice for the solution of this problem. The master’s thesis deals with the rules regarding the standard contract terms and the requirements for their inclusion, which have been formed in the practice through the mentioned articles of the Convention. Yet, despite the generous theory sources and case law, some dilemmas regarding standard contract terms still exist in practice. When the parties expressly negotiated about their inclusion, they will not be problematic. However, in practice the parties use standardised forms, where they merely reference the general contract terms. Problems arise, when one of the parties denies their applicability. Then, a question appears, whether they have been validly included into the contract. Even more complicated is the question, which set of standard terms applies, when both parties wanted to include them into the contract. The master’s thesis deals with these problems even more in detail, and tries, with the help of literature and especially case law, to answer them.
Secondary keywords: General contract terms;CISG;The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;battle of forms;inclusion of standard contract terms;international sales law;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: [44] f.
ID: 12042764