jezikovni pregled
Rok Kuralt (Author), Mojca Smolej (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem obravnaval delo Kmetijska kemija, avtorja Matije Vertovca, ki velja za prvi kemijski priročnik v slovenskem jeziku. V uvodu sem predstavil Vertovčevo življenje in delo, opisal pa sem tudi nezanemarljiv pomen, ki ga je imel in ima Vertovec in njegovo delo za slovenski jezik in narod. Poglavitni cilj in namen diplomske naloge je bila analiza kemijskih terminov, ki jih je Vertovec zapisal v svojem delu Kmetijska kemija. Iz prvega poglavja Vertovčevega dela sem izpisal vse termine, za katere menim, da sodijo na področje kemijske terminologije, jim v Kemijskem slovarju poiskal ustrezne definicije ter s pomočjo Slovenskega etimološkega slovarja preverjal njihov izvor. Ugotavljal sem torej, koliko terminov je prevzel iz nemškega, grškega, latinskega jezika, koliko je vzel izrazov, ki so bili v slovenskem jeziku že zakoreninjeni in uveljavljeni in koliko je takih, ki jih je najverjetneje poslovenil kar sam. Ugotovil sem, da je večina izrazov izvor v slovanski jezikovni veji, torej so bili že zakoreninjeni v slovenskem jeziku.


slovenščina;strokovni jezik;kemija;kemijska terminologija;Vertovec;Matija;1784-1851;"Kmetijska kemija";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [R. Kuralt]
UDC: 811.163.6:001.4:54
COBISS: 34162179 Link will open in a new window
Views: 295
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Agricultural chemistry (Kmetijska kemija) by Matija Vertovec
Secondary abstract: In my degree I did a research on the literary work called Agricultural chemistry (Kmetijska kemija) by Matija Vertovec, this is the first chemistry manual written in Slovene language. In the introduction part of my work I presented the life and work of the author Matija Vertovec and then deepened my research with the importance of the author and his work for the Slovene language and the Slovene nation. After that, I moved to the main aim of my degree, which was to analyse the etymology of terms used in the manual. Firstly, I collected and analysed all the terms written in the first chapter of the manual, for which I thought belong to the field of chemical terminology. Then I found their definitions with the help of The Chemical dictionary (Kemijski slovar) and furthermore used The Etymology dictionary (Etimološki slovar) to research upon their origin. I was trying to explore how many terms were taken over from the German, Greek and Latin language. I also investigated the terms that were already known and established in the Slovene language and used in the manual. Lastly, I searched for those terms that the author has translated into Slovene himself. My research showed that most of the terms had their origins in the Slavic language branch and were therefore already known and established in the Slovene language.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian language;professional language;chemistry;chemical terminology;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000551
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: 17 f.
ID: 12042790