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Špela Čampa (Author), Vedran Hadžić (Reviewer), Matej Tušak (Consultant), Saša Cecić Erpič (Mentor)


Športna poškodba je ena izmed bolj travmatičnih izkušenj, s katero se športnik sooča v svoji tekmovalni karieri. Poškodbe nanj vplivajo na fizični, socialni in psihološki ravni. Ker rehabilitacija športnika ne vsebuje le fizičnega okrevanja, pač pa tudi psihološko rehabilitacijo, je za uspešno vrnitev v šport potrebno razumevanje psiholoških vidikov, kot so čustveni in vedenjski odzivi. V magistrski nalogi nas je zanimalo, kakšni so psihološki odzivi na športne poškodbe in kasneje na rehabilitacijo vrhunskih športnikov v ekipnih športih v Sloveniji. Ugotavljali smo, česa je poškodovanih športnikov najbolj strah, ko se vračajo nazaj v trenažni proces po poškodbi, in ugotovili, da jim je največ strahu predstavljala misel, da ne bodo dosegli tako dobrih rezultatov, kot so jih pred poškodbo. Pri pojavljanju strahu smo raziskovali tudi razliko med spoloma, vendar nismo odkrili statistično pomembnih značilnosti. Ugotavljali smo, katera čustva so bila prisotna pri poškodovanih športnikih. Največ se jih je počutilo aktivnih, najmanj pa osramočenih. Tako je prevladovalo pozitivno čustvo, negativno pa je bilo izraženo najmanj. Rezultati so pokazali, da bolj kot je zahtevna poškodba, bolj so preizkušanci izgoreli in manj so nejevoljni. Pri športnikih, katerih poškodba je trajala več kot šest mesecev, je bil stres močno prisoten. Izkazalo se je, da je največ pomoči športnikom nudila družina, takoj zatem fizioterapevti in nato prijatelji. Osebe, ki so jih obkrožale v času treninga (sotekmovalci, trener in vodstvo kluba), so jim nudile manj pomoči kot bližnji (družina in prijatelji). Največ pritiska v času rehabilitacije so vršili športniki sami, zelo malo pa so na njih vplivali družinski člani, trenerji in drugi. Ugotovili smo, da se je največ poškodb zgodilo v tekmovalnem obdobju, in sicer med tekmo ali med treningom.


šport;psihologija športa;športna psihologija;vrhunski športniki;vrhunski šport;športna poškodbe;značilnosti;rehabilitacija;psihološki odziv;psihološki dejavniki;čustva;vedenje;stres;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [Š. Čampa]
UDC: 796.092:616-001
COBISS: 32004867 Link will open in a new window
Views: 621
Downloads: 240
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Psychological Response to Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation Among Elite Athletes in Team Sports
Secondary abstract: Sports injury is one of the most traumatic events an athlete can experience in his or her competitive career. Injuries affect the athlete on the physical, social and psychological levels. As rehabilitation does not include only physical recovery, but psychological rehabilitation aswell, a successful return to sports requires the understanding of psychological ascpects, such as emotional and behavioural responses. This thesis aimed to discover psychological responses to sport injuries and later to rehabilitation process of elite athletes in Slovenian team sports. We investigated what was the injured athletes’ greatest fear when returning to the training process after the injury and deduced that their biggest fear was the thought of not being able to achieve the results they had accomplished before the injury. The differences between genders were also considered while researching the presence of fear, but no statistically relevant characteristics were discovered. We studied what emotions were present with the injured athletes. Most athletes felt active, while least athletes felt ashamed. Therefore, the positive emotion prevailed and the negative emotion was expressed scarcely. The results disclosed that the interviewees felt more burnout and less frustrated, when the injury was more serious. The athletes whose injuries had lasted for more than six months experienced stress intensely. As it turned out, the athletes received most help from their families, right after them were the physiotherapists and then friends. Individuals who supported them during trainings (teammates, coaches and club management) offered them less support than the people close to them (family and friends). During rehabilitation, the athletes were the ones who put the most pressure on themselves; the influence of relatives, coaches and others was minimum. We established that the most injuries occurred during the competition period, during a match or during a training.
Secondary keywords: sport;psychological response;rehabilitation;elite sport;emotions;injuries;behaviour;stress;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 79 f.
ID: 12042841