depresija in neoliberalni kapitalizem
Enej Šuštar (Author), Primož Krašovec (Mentor)


Delo se ukvarja z odnosom in povezanostjo med depresijo in neoliberalnim kapitalizmom. Na začetku je na kratko opisana zgodovina neoliberalizma, kako je prišel v realno politiko in katere so njegove značilne politike v prid svobodnemu trgu, ki povzročajo večanje družbenih neenakosti. V drugem poglavju je najprej prikazana korelacija med epidemijo duševnih motenj in neoliberalizacijo družbe. Nato je razložen vpliv družbe na posameznika in prikazan zgrešen pristop psihoterapije k zdravljenju duševnih motenj - kako jih izolira od družbenih vplivov, odgovornost zanje prestavlja na posameznika in ga z antidepresivi naredi pogojno funkcionalnega v družbi. V naslednjem večjem razdelku so predstavljene strukturne spremembe organizacije dela in kako le-te porajajo posameznikovo alienacijo od svojega dela, svojih sodelavcev in naposled od samega sebe. Sledi obravnava nekaterih prostočasnih aktivnosti, ki legitimirajo neoliberalne vrednote individualizma in neomejenega razvoja, nato pa je predstavljen potrošniški mehanizem in kako le-ta ne le vpliva na perpetuacijo posameznikovega nezadovoljstva, temveč tudi razvrednoti in poblagovi posameznikov morebitni upor proti sistemu. Konec dela je rezerviran krajši kontemplaciji o možnostih, ki preostanejo izoliranim, depresivnim posameznikom v neoliberalni družbi.


depresija;kapitalizem;neoliberalizem;potrošništvo;psihiatrija;duševno zdravje;duševne motnje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [E. Šuštar]
UDC: [316.3:330.831.8]:159.97
COBISS: 60322563 Link will open in a new window
Views: 459
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Depressogenic society: Depression and neoliberal capitalism
Secondary abstract: This work focuses on the connection and relationship between depression and neoliberal capitalism. It first describes the history of neoliberalism, its ascension to real politics and its typical policies in favour of the free market, which increase the inequalities in society. The second chapter shows the correlation between the mental disorder epidemic and the neoliberalisation of society. The influence of society on its individuals is presented next, after which the misguided approach of psychiatry to healing mental disorders is presented - how it isolates them from the influence of society, shifts the responsibility for them to the individual and makes him at least partially functional in society with the use of antidepressants. The next section shows how the structural changes of the organisation of labour exacerbate the alienation of the individual from his work, his coworkers and from himself. Afterwords certain free-time activities are presented that legitimise neoliberal values of individualism and unlimited development, after which it is shown how the consumerist mechanism perpetuates the individual's dissatisfaction, as well as devalues and commodifies his potential rebellion against the system. The last part of the work is reserved for a short contemplation of the options that are left for the isolated and depressed individuals in neoliberal society.
Secondary keywords: depression;capitalism;neoliberalism;consumerism;psychiatry;mental health;mental disorders;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000573
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 33 f.
ID: 12050921