[enoviti magistrski študij farmacije]
Sara Vučko (Author), Tihomir Tomašić (Mentor)


Kljub razvoju številnih učinkovin še vedno nimamo zdravila, ki bi v telesu uničilo virus HIV-1. V uporabi so učinkovine, ki preprečujejo njegovo razmnoţevanje in na ta način prispevajo k zmanjšanju obolevnosti in smrtnosti okuţenih oseb. DC-SIGN (Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin) je lektin tipa C iz skupine II. Specifično se izraţa na dendritičnih celicah, ki so najvplivnejše antigen predstavitvene celice, katerih ključna vloga je regulacija imunskega odziva. Na svoji površini izraţajo številne receptorje, ki so sposobni prepoznati različne bakterije in viruse. Med temi receptorji je smiselno izpostaviti receptorje tipa C, preko katerih lahko v gostiteljsko celico vstopi tudi virus HIV-1. DC-SIGN prepozna virus HIV-1 in omogoči njegov vstop v gostiteljsko celico brez aktivacije imunskega sistema gostitelja. Na ta način se HIV-1 izogne normalni litični razgradnji in preslepi imunski odziv. Podoben mehanizem so zasledili tudi pri številnih drugih patogenih organizmih, zato je smiselno preprečiti interakcijo med patogenom in DC-SIGN. Antagonisti receptorja DC-SIGN so tako potencialne protivirusne in protibakterijske učinkovine, s katerimi bi lahko preprečili okuţbo z različnimi patogeni (npr.: HIV-1, Mycobacterium tuberculosis) v njenih začetnih stopnjah. Receptor FimH prav tako uvrščamo med lektinske receptorje. Nekatere bakterije (npr. Escherichia coli) imajo na svoji površini izraţene fimbrije tipa I, ki jim omogočajo pritrditev na specifične receptorje na membrani epitelijskih celic gostitelja. Terapija z učinkovinami, ki preprečujejo adhezijo, bi lahko bila učinkovita še posebno proti bakterijam, ki so ţe razvile rezistenco na protibakterijske učinkovine. V okviru magistrske naloge smo sintetizirali diarilglicerolomanozide kot nove potencialne antagoniste receptorjev DC-SIGN in FimH. Najpomembnejši strukturni element načrtovanih spojin za interakcijo z receptorjem je D-manoza, ki v vezavnem mestu tvori koordinativne vezi s Ca2+ in dodatne vodikove vezi z aminokislinskimi ostanki proteina. Z različnimi arilnimi substituenti na glicerolnem distančniku pa smo ţeleli zagotoviti ustrezne hidrofobne interakcije z aminokislinskim ostankom Phe313 v vezavnem mestu DC-SIGN. Sintetiziranim spojinam smo določili tudi njihovo aktivnost tako na lektinskem receptorju DC-SIGN kot tudi na FimH. Kljub temu da je bila osnovna ideja načrtovanje in sinteza DC-SIGN antagonistov, kaţejo sintetizirane spojine boljšo aktivnost na lektinskem receptorju FimH.


lektini tipa C;DC-sign;bakterijski lektini;imunski odziv;tankoplastna kromatografija;polarimetrija;biološko testiranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Publisher: [S. Vučko]
UDC: 543.2/.9(043.3)
COBISS: 3468401 Link will open in a new window
Views: 916
Downloads: 249
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Synthesis and biological evaluation of glycerolomannosides as potential antagonists of lectins DC-SIGN and FimH
Secondary abstract: Despite the development of many agents, we still do not have an agent that would destroy HIV-1 virus in a body. Active ingredients that prevent the propagation of HIV-1 and contribute to the reduction of disease rate and mortality of infected people are being used. DC-SIGN (Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing Non-integrin) is a C-type lectin from group II. It is specifically expressed on dendritic cells, which are the most powerful antigen presenting cells; their key role is to regulate immune response. Dendritic cells express a number of receptors on their surface, which are able to recognize different bacterial and viral pathogens. Among these receptors, the C-type receptors need to be mentioned, through which HIV-1 can enter the host cell. DC-SIGN recognizes HIV-1 and enables its entry into a host cell without activating the host immune system. This is how HIV-1 avoids normal lytic degradation and deludes the immune response. A similar mechanism was observed in many other pathogenic organisms, so it seems reasonable to prevent the interaction between the pathogen and DC-SIGN. Antagonists of receptor DC-SIGN are therefore potential antiviral and antibacterial agents, which could prevent infection with different pathogens (e.g. HIV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis) in its early stages. FimH receptor is also placed among lectin receptors. It can be found on type I fimbriae that cover the surface of bacteria and allow them (e.g. Escherichia coli) to attach to specific receptors located on the membrane of epithelial host cells. Anti-adhesive therapy with FimH antagonist may be particularly effective against the bacteria that have already developed resistance to antibacterial agents. In this dissertation we synthesized a focused library of diarylglycerolomanosides as new potential antagonists of DC-SIGN and FimH. The most important structural element of the designed compounds is a D-mannose moiety, which forms coordinative bonds with Ca2+ and additional hydrogen bonds with amino acid residues in the binding site. With a variety of aryl substituents on the glycerol spacer, we wanted to ensure additional hydrophobic and/or π-π interactions with the side chain of Phe313 in DC-SIGN CRD. The synthesized compounds were tested for their activity on DC-SIGN receptor as well as FimH due to their similarity to the known FimH antagonists. Despite the fact that the original idea was the design and synthesis of DC-SIGN antagonists, synthesized compounds show better activity on the FimH receptor.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za farmacijo
Pages: III, 72 f.
ID: 12053298