master thesis No.: 166/II. GR-BIM
Matteo Mandrile (Author), Tomo Cerovšek (Mentor), Milan Tomac (Co-mentor)


Ta raziskava obravnava uporabo informacijskega modeliranja zgradb (BIM) kot pospeševalnika za analize grajenega okolja na več merilih in raziskuje uporabo digitalnih podatkov za lažje razumevanje odnosa med zgradbami in mesti. Običajno se geografsko, urbano, arhitekturno, inženirsko ter gradbeno področje (AEC) štejejo za različne domene. Vendar, v zadnjem času se njihove strokovne meje brišejo zaradi prekrivanja ciljev in uporabe orodij. Danes je izmenjava informacij med strokami, ki delujejo na različnih prostorskih merilih, še vedno glavni problem sodelovanja in izmenjave znanja. Potrebne so novi načini sodelovanja, interoperabilnost in integracija podatkov. Cilj te raziskave je oceniti zmogljivosti BIM za lažjo izmenjave podatkov med deležniki, ki obravnavajo projekte na različnih merilih. Poudarek je na prenosu informacij z uporabo odprtih standardov v okviru analize grajenega okolja. Naloga nudi pregled trenutnih orodij, metodologij in delotokov, ki podpirajo večrazsežno okoljsko presojo, hkrati pa izpostavlja ovire na tej poti. Glavni cilj študije je predlagati delotoke, ki podpirajo integracijo podatkov in analiz na različnih merilih, da bi premagali oviro interopreabilnosti podatkov med različnimi strokami in orodji. Ta raziskava je razdeljena na štiri dele: povzetek trajnostnih politik v Evropi, pregled večrazsežne analize porabe energije, ki ji sledi odsek o delotokih in interoperabilnosti podatkov. Študija se zaključi s prikazom študije primera, pridobljenimi izkušnjami in predlogi za razvoj v prihodnosti.


civil engineering;master thesis;BIM;BEM;GIS;database;IFC;CITYGML;3DCITYDB;NZEB;multiscale analysis;energy performances;FME;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Mandrile]
UDC: 004.7:72.012.1(043.3)
COBISS: 35502595 Link will open in a new window
Views: 665
Downloads: 128
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: BIM kot pospoševalec analiz grajenega okolja na več merilih
Secondary abstract: This research explores the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as multiscale facilitator for built environment assessment, exploring the use of digital data to facilitate an understanding of the relation between buildings and cities. Conventionally, the geographical, urban and Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) fields are considered different domains. However, their disciplinary boundaries are recently being blurred by overlapping objectives and tools. Nowadays, the exchange of information among disciplines working at different spatial scales is still a major problem to collaboration and knowledge sharing. There is a need for shared collaborative practices, interoperability and data integration. The goal of this research is to assess BIM capabilities to facilitate data sharing among stakeholders dealing with different scales. Emphasis is placed on the transmission of information using open standards in the context of built environment analysis. It provides an overview of current tools, methodologies and workflows that support multiscale environmental assessment, while highlighting obstacles along the path. The study aims to propose workflows that support data integration among different scales, to overcome the barrier of data interoperability between different discipline domains. The work is organized into four main chapter: a summary of sustainable policies in Europe, an overview of multiscale analysis for energy consumption, followed by a section on workflows and data interoperability. The study concludes with the demonstration of a case study, lesson learned and suggestions for future works.
Secondary keywords: gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;GR;BIM;energijski model stavb;GIS;zbirke podatkov;IFC;CITYGML;3DCITYDB;nizko-energijske stavbe;energijski odziv stavbe;FME;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 85 str.
ID: 12055970
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