diplomsko delo
Igre na srečo so se v Evropi razvile že v srednjem veku, ko so ljudje hrepeneli po zabavi in hitrem zaslužku. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati ponudbo iger na srečo v Sloveniji, Avstriji in Italiji ter ugotoviti, ali so obdavčenja dobitkov od iger na srečo v izbranih državah primerljiva. Namen je ugotoviti tudi, kolikšen delež davka od iger na srečo gre v proračune izbranih držav. Uporabimo kvalitativne metode, in sicer opisno oziroma deskriptivno metodo za predstavitev in opis tematike o igrah na srečo. Metodo analize uporabimo pri medsebojnem primerjanju držav pri obdavčenju dobitkov od iger na srečo. Analiziramo slovensko, avstrijsko in italijansko ponudbo iger na srečo in davke, ki jih plačajo prireditelji in katere plačajo igralci iger na srečo. Na podlagi različnih virov, literature in statistik smo prišli do več spoznanj. V okviru analize ugotovimo, da je smiselnost primerjave obdavčitve dobitkov od iger na srečo v izbranih državah med Slovenijo in Italijo. Korelacije med Avstrijo in drugima izbranima državama ni, saj dobitki od iger na srečo v Avstriji niso obdavčeni. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ima Italija največji znesek priliva davkov od iger na srečo v proračun, Slovenija pa najmanjši. Tematika diplomskega dela je aktualna zaradi današnje priljubljenosti igranja iger na srečo in uporabna pri znanju s področja javnih financ. Diplomsko delo prikazuje priliv davkov v proračune izbranih držav in kakšna je obdavčitev iger na srečo v izbranih državah.
igre na srečo;davki;proračun;koncesija;Slovenija;Avstrija;Italija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FU - Faculty of Administration |
Publisher: |
[T. Kastelic] |
UDC: |
336.789(497.4)(436)(450) |
Views: |
668 |
Downloads: |
137 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Comparison of gambling taxation in Slovenia, Austria and Italy |
Secondary abstract: |
Gambling developed in Europe in the Middle Ages, when people longed for fun and quick earnings. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to show the offer of games of chance in Slovenia, Austria and Italy and to determine whether the taxation of winnings from games of chance in selected countries is comparable. The aim is also to find out what proportion of the gambling tax goes to the budget-selected countries. Qualitative methods used, namely a descriptive or descriptive method for the presentation and description of the topic of gambling. A method of user analysis in comparing countries with each other when taxing gambling winnings. We analyze the Slovenian, Austrian and Italian offer of games of chance and taxes paid by organizers and paid by players of games of chance. Based on various sources, literature in statistics, we found the results of the following findings: As part of the analysis, it was found that it makes sense only to compare the taxation of gambling winnings between Slovenia and Italy. There is no correlation between Austria and other selected countries, as winnings from gambling in Austria are not taxed. We also found that Italy has the largest amount of gambling tax inflows in the budget, while Slovenia has the smallest. The topic of the diploma thesis is topical due to today's popularity of gambling and the user's knowledge in the field of public finance. The diploma thesis shows the inflow of taxes in the budgets of selected countries and what is the taxation of gambling in selected countries. |
Secondary keywords: |
games of chance;taxes;state budget;concession;Slovenia;Austria;Italy; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
1000529 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo |
Pages: |
IX, 30 str. |
ID: |
12057213 |