diplomsko delo
Sultana Jovanovska (Author), Andrej Lukšič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu se posvečamo analizi pojma imaginacije, ki izvira iz grške besede phantasia, torej se lotevamo raziskati prvotni pomen imaginacije ter kako se je spreminjal njen pomen skozi čas. S premikom od phantasie k imaginaciji analiziramo različne vplive, ki so prispevali h graditvi sedanjega pomena besede. Srž dela je pojmovanje imaginacije, ki izhaja iz misli Immanuela Kanta in Hannah Arednt, pri čemer prvotno analiziramo imaginacijo kot umska zmožnost ter njeno vlogo v spoznanju, v katerih razkrivamo različne dimenzije imaginacije, ki nam omogočajo spoznanje nasploh, gledati v preteklosti ali bodočnost in se vživeti v stališča drugih. Kantovo pojmovanje imaginacije nam omogoča premik v analizo razmerja med politiko in imaginacijo, ki ga v nadaljevanju naslavljamo s kategorijo razsojanja Hannah Arendt. Izhajajoč iz Arendtove teorije nam njeno pojmovanje imaginacije omogoči vpogled tako v negativni kot pozitivni učinek imaginacije. Arendtova zagovarja omejeno prakso imaginacije, ki zagotavlja odgovorno delovanje in razsojanje. V diplomskem delu ugotavljamo, da nam imaginacija omogoča tako ustvarajti svet kot ga preizpraševati, ter da je politično razmišljanje in delovanje možno le z imaginacijo.


phantasia;imaginacija;razsojanje;spoznanje;političnost imaginacije;Politična filozofija;Filozofske teorije;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [S. Jovanovska]
UDC: 141.7(043.2)
COBISS: 35873027 Link will open in a new window
Views: 529
Downloads: 157
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Imagination and politics in the theories of Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt
Secondary abstract: In this bachelor thesis, we focus on the analysis of the concept of imagination, which originates from the greek word phantasia, we are exploring the original meaning of the word imagination and how it evolved over time. By shifting from phantasia to imagination, we analyze various influences that have contributed to the formation of the present meaning of the word imagination. At the core of this analysis is the notion of imagination as understood by and derived from the theory of Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt. Through their theories we initially analyzed imagination as a mental faculty and its role in cognition, and we revealed diverse dimensions of imagination which allow us to delve into the past or the future, and to put ourselves in the position of others. Kantʼs conception of imagination allows us to begin an analysis of the relationship between politics and imagination, which we emphasize through the category of judgement of Hannah Arendt. Based on Arendt's theory, her conception of imagination gives us an insight of both the negative and positive effects of imagination. Arendt advocates a bounded imagination that ensures responsible action and judgment. In the bachelor thesis we conclude that imagination allows us to both create a world and question it, and that political thinking and action are possible only through imagination.
Secondary keywords: phantasia;imagination;judgement;cognition;politicalness of imagination;Political philosophy;Philosophical theories;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 36 str.
ID: 12058551