magistrsko delo


V letošnjem šolskem letu so se na področju izobraževanja dogajale velike spremembe zaradi širjenja covid-19 in zaprtja vseh izobraževalnih ustanov v mesecu marcu. Poučevanje se je nenadoma začelo izvajati na daljavo in marsikatere ustanove in njihovi zaposleni so se morali hitro seznaniti z novimi okoliščinami in prilagoditi način dela. Poučevanje na daljavo zajema sinhrono in asinhrono poučevanje, ključno pri tem je, da sta učitelj in učenec pri delu prostorsko ločena. Tudi pri poučevanju tehnike in tehnologije so se morali učitelji poslužiti drugačnih metod in oblik dela. V opravljeni raziskavi smo naredili pregled in analizo poučevanja tehnike in tehnologije na daljavo. Vprašalnik je zajemal več sklopov vprašanj, ki so raziskovali uporabljene oblike poučevanja, mnenje o uporabnosti in enostavnosti uporabe različnih spletnih pripomočkov, odnos učiteljev do uporabe takšnih pripomočkov, namero za nadaljnje vključevanje takšnih oblik poučevanja ter primere dobrih praks pri poučevanju na daljavo. Raziskava je pokazala, da so učitelji večinoma uporabljali asinhrono obliko poučevanja na daljavo in da se je pogostost uporabe določenih oblik poučevanja spremenila. Nekaterim je bila izkušnja težavna, večina učiteljev pa meni, da je bila izkušnja kljub temu poučna. Spletni pripomočki se jim zdijo uporabni in za delo prijetni.


magistrska dela;covid-19;izobraževanje;tehnika in tehnologija;poučevanje na daljavo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [K. Krecenbaher Mernik]
UDC: 37.018.43:004.9:62(043.2)
COBISS: 35512579 Link will open in a new window
Views: 869
Downloads: 421
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Distance teaching of technical studies
Secondary abstract: In this academic year, major changes have taken place in the field of education due to the spread of Covid-19 and the closure of all educational institutions in March. Teaching was suddenly being carried out at a distance and many institutions and their employees had to quickly adapt to an unfamiliar situation and adjust their way of working with students. Distance learning includes synchronous and asynchronous education, but the key is that the teacher and the student are physically separated during lessons. Teachers also had to adopt different methods and forms of teaching technical studies. In the conducted research, we made an overview and analysis of teaching technical studies at a distance. The questionnaire included several sets of questions, which researched the methods used, opinions on the usefulness and ease of use of different online tools, the teacher's attitudes towards the use of such tools, their intent to further include such methods of teaching and examples of good practice regarding teaching at a distance. Research has shown that teachers have mostly used the asynchronous form of teaching at a distance and that the frequency of using certain approaches to teaching has changed. Some teachers found the experience difficult, but the majority felt that the experience was nevertheless instructive. They find online tools useful and enjoyable to work with.
Secondary keywords: master theses;covid-19;education;technical studies;distance learning;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za tehniko
Pages: VII f., 75 str., 23 str. pril.
ID: 12061237