diplomsko delo
Diplomsko delo obravnava novomeški mestni govor z glasoslovnega vidika. Govor spada v dolenjsko narečno skupino, natančneje v vzhodnodolenjsko podnarečje. Ker je bilo Novo mesto skozi zgodovino vedno pomembno mesto na Dolenjskem, se je vanj priseljevalo mnogo ljudi iz različnih narečnih in tujejezičnih območij. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opisala pregled zgodovine Novega mesta ter kako so različni dejavniki, kot na primer izobrazba, družina in okolje ter migracije, vplivali na razvoj govora. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem predstavila govor 14 informatorjev in jih razvrstila po generacijah, starejšo generacijo pa še po pripadnosti župniji oziroma nekdanji fari. Za govor vsakega informatorja sem najprej s sinhronega vidika, primerjalno s knjižnim jezikom, analizirala dolge naglašene samoglasnike, kratke naglašene in nenaglašene samoglasnike, zvočnike in nezvočnike ter posebnosti, če so se v besedilu pojavile, pri oblikoslovju in naglasu. Na osnovi te analize sem ugotovila glasovne spremenljivke in njihove različice, na koncu pa podala še diahron povzetek, iz katerega so primerjalno z okoliškimi vaškimi govori razvidne osnovne značilnosti novomeškega govora.
slovenščina;dialektologija;dolenjska narečna skupina;vzhodnodolenjsko podnarečje;novomeški mestni govor;glasoslovje;Novo mesto;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[M. Žibred] |
UDC: |
811.163.6'282.3(497.434) |
Views: |
736 |
Downloads: |
293 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Novo mesto speech |
Secondary abstract: |
The dissertation discusses the speech of Novo mesto from the phonological point of view. The speech belongs to the Lower Carniola dialect group, specifically to the eastern subgroup of the Lower Carniola dialect group. As Novo mesto has been a city od much significance in Lower Carniola throughout history, many people had immigrated there from various dialectal and foreign language areas. In the theoretical part, I wrote a history overview of Novo mesto and how different factors, e.g. education, family, environment, and migration influenced the evolution of the speech. In the empirical part of the dissertation, I analysed the speech of 14 informants, whom I classified by generation and also arranged the elder generation further into which parish they belong to. In the speech of each informant, from the synchronic point of view and in comparison with the standard language, I firstly analysed long accented vowels, short accented and unaccented vowels, sonorants, obstruents, and any exceptions related to morphology and accent that may have occurred in the text. Based on the analysis, I found phonological variables and their variants. Finally, I wrote a diachronic overview, where the basic characteristics of Novo mesto speech are evident when compared with the surrounding rural speech. |
Secondary keywords: |
Slovenian language;dialectology;Lower Carniola dialect group;Novo mesto city speech;eastern Lower Carniola subdialect;phonetics;Novo mesto; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
1000551 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko |
Pages: |
176 str. |
ID: |
12061583 |