magistrsko delo
Sandra Erčulj (Author), Tomaž Vec (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava načine skrbi zase, kakršnih se pri svojem delu in v zasebnem življenju poslužujejo študenti in praktiki socialne pedagogike in socialnega dela. V teoretičnem delu predstavim značilnosti poklicev pomoči in različne posledice tovrstnega dela, kot so sekundarni travmatski stres, sočutna izčrpanost, poklicna izgorelost ... V nadaljevanju predstavim tudi pomen skrbi zase v poklicih pomoči tako na delovnem mestu kot tudi že med študijem in raziščem nekaj načinov skrbi zase na osebnem in strokovnem področju. V empiričnem delu pri dvanajstih študentih in praktikih raziščem njihovo doživljanje obremenitev pri njihovem delu in različne načine skrbi zase, ki jih sami prakticirajo. Prav tako me zanima, koliko jih je študij opremil s temi veščinami in kaj bi lahko fakultete izboljšale, da bi bodoče praktike bolje pripravile za uspešno spoprijemanje z izzivi in obremenitvami pri njihovem delu. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se intervjuvanci spopadajo s precej različnimi obremenitvami, ki izhajajo tako iz zunanjega okolja (delo z uporabniki, prevelike delovne obveznosti, izmenski delovni čas ...) kot tudi iz njihovih psihičnih struktur (deloholizem, perfekcionizem, pomanjkanje osebnih meja ...). Prav tako prakticirajo različne načine skrbi zase na poklicni, socialni, organizacijski, psihični in fizični ravni, ti načini pa so lastni vsakemu posamezniku in ustrezajo njegovim potrebam in značaju. Rezultati glede študijskih programov pa kažejo, da študenti sicer pridobijo precej veščin in znanj za skrb zase, vendar pa kljub temu pogrešajo predvsem več praktičnih in izkustvenih vsebin na to temo ter pogostejšo povratno informacijo na svoje delo.


sočutna izčrpanost;sekundarni travmatski stres;poklicna izgorelost;skrb zase;poklici pomoči;socialna pedagogika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Erčulj]
UDC: 37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 31570947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 281
Downloads: 40
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Self-care of social pedagogy and social work students and practitioners
Secondary abstract: This Master’s thesis discusses self-care strategies used by Social Pedagogy and Social Work students and/or professionals, either at work or in private. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I present the characteristics of working as a helping professional and various consequences of such work, such as secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, professional burnout... Moreover, I explain the importance of self-care for helping professions at their workplace, as well as during their university training and explore a few approaches to self-care on a professional and personal level. The empirical part of the thesis covers twelve students and professionals’ experience of work strain and what self-care techniques they use. Furthermore, I am interested in finding out to what extent they have been equipped in self-care techniques by their universities and what the institutions could improve in regards to equipping future professionals with skills to handle challenges and strains at work. The research results show that the interviewees face quite different work strains, which arise both from the external factors (working with clients, work overload, shift-work…) as well as from their psychological characteristics (workaholism, perfectionism, lack of personal boundaries…). The interviewees practice different ways of self-care on a professional, social, organisational, psychological and physical level, although these techniques are unique to each individual and they suit their own needs and character. The results regarding university programmes show that while students do receive a variety of skills and knowledge regarding self-care, they find there is a lack of practical and experiential content on this topic, as well as a need for more frequent feedback on their work.
Secondary keywords: social work;socialno delo;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 82 str.
ID: 12064797