magistrsko delo
Anja Ilenič (Author), Matej Dolenec (Mentor), Petra Vrhovnik (Co-mentor)


Ekološko sporna laguna Šturmovci se nahaja znotraj Krajinskega parka Šturmovci, v bližini Ptujskega jezera. Nastala je v času gradnje hidroelektrarne Formin in je služila kot stekališče odpadnih voda okoliške industrije. Že desetletja se onesnažen mulj kopiči v laguni, a zaradi zakonodajnih in finančnih preprek še ni bil saniral. Mineraloške (XRD) in geokemične (XRF, ICP-MS) analize, izotopske analize dušika (?15N) ter analize, opravljene z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM-EDS), so bile v okviru magistrskega dela uporabljene za ocenitev onesnaženosti lagune in njenih negativnih vplivov na okolje. Koncentracije možno strupenih prvin, predvsem As, Ba, Pb in Zn, so tako v lagunskem sedimentu kot na tleh kmetijskih površin povišane. Koncentracije presegajo dovoljene mejne ter ponekod tudi kritične vrednosti za tla, ki so predpisane v slovenskih, nizozemskih in evropskih zakonodajnih smernicah. Izračuni okoljskih faktorjev prav tako nakazujejo na kontaminacijo z omenjenimi elementi in opozarjajo na velik okoljski problem. Povišane koncentracije onesnaževal so lahko posledica prisotnosti odpadnega blata iz komunalnih in čistilnih naprav, gnojil in/ali fitofarmacevtskih sredstev. Pridobljeni podatki o onesnaženosti lagune torej kažejo na zelo slabo stanje in posledično potrebno hitro ter efektivno sanacijo, ki bi bila lahko izvedena z uporabo biooglja, zeolitov ali hiperakumulatorskih rastlin. Primerno obdelan material z imobiliziranimi MSP pa bi se lahko uporabil za utrditev brežin in ureditev poti znotraj Krajinskega parka Šturmovci.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [A. Ilenič]
UDC: 55
COBISS: 32799747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 470
Downloads: 120
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: pollution study of lagoon in Regional park Sturmovci
Secondary abstract: The ecologically controversial lagoon Sturmovci is located within the Regional Park Sturmovci, near Lake Ptuj. It was artificially created during the construction of the hydroelectric power plant Formin and served as a point of convergence for waste water from the surrounding industry. For decades, polluted sludge has been accumulating in the lagoon, but due to the legal and financial obstacles has not yet been remediated and thus poses a great danger to the local environment, people and animals. Mineralogical (XRD) and geochemical (XRF, ICP-MS) analyzes, nitrogen isotope analyzes (δ15N) and scanning electron microscope analyzes (SEM-EDS) were performed as part of the master's thesis to assess the pollution of the lagoon and to define its negative effects on the environment. Concentrations of PTE, especially As, Ba, Pb and Zn, are extremely elevated in the lagoon and also on the sorrunding agricultural fields, in some locations they exceed the limit values, as well as the critical values, for soils defined by Slovenian, Dutch and European legislative guidelines. This is supported by calculated environmental factors that also shows extreme contamination with listed PTE and point to the extreme environmental problem. PTE can be elevated due to the presence of waste sludge from municipal and wastewater treatment plants, fertilizers and/or phytopharmaceutical products. The obtained data on the pollution of the lagoon indicate a very poor condition and consequently the necessity for a rapid and effective remediation, which could be performed by zeolites, biochar or hyperacumulating plant. Appropriately treated material with immobilized PTE could be used to fortify the banks and arrange the paths within the Regional Park Sturmovci.
Secondary keywords: lagoon;pollution;PTE;remediation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Pages: XV, 76 f., pril.
ID: 12076700