(diplomsko delo)
Vanja Filipič (Author), Jožica Tomažič (Mentor), Nino Fijačko (Co-mentor)


Srčno popuščanje je kronična bolezen, ki poslabša kakovost življenja in povzroči številne psihološke motnje, zlasti depresijo in tesnobo. Namen zaključnega dela je raziskati stopnjo kakovosti življenja pri pacientih s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem in zdravstvene težave, ki jih najpogosteje spremljajo. Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja. Raziskavo smo izvedli v ambulanti za srčno popuščanje in na kardiološkem oddelku v terciarni ustanovi v severovzhodnem delu Slovenije. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili vprašalnik s 24 vprašanji zaprtega tipa. Rezultate smo deskriptivno obdelali s programom Microsoft Office 2016 in IBM SPSS Statistic 27. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 60 pacientov s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem. Ugotovili smo, da so pacienti na splošno zadovoljni s svojim življenjem (n = 43, 3,98  0,83). Med psihološkimi težavami so na prvem mestu težave s spanjem (n = 40, 3,63  1,23), sledita zaskrbljenost (n = 32, 3,50  1,30) in osamljenost (n = 19, 2,55  1,56). Po klasifikaciji NYHA (ang. New York Heart Association) so se pacienti s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem in z višjo stopnjo psiholoških težav pogosteje uvrstili v stopnjo, kjer morajo zmanjšati oziroma omejiti telesno aktivnost, da ne pride do poslabšanja zdravstvenega stanja. Pri pacientih s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem je zelo pomembna psihološka podpora s strani svojcev in zdravstvenih delavcev. Nujno je potrebno pravočasno prepoznavanje psiholoških težav, da se lahko čimprej preprečijo in v kolikor je potrebno tudi zdravijo.


srčno popuščanje;kakovost življenja;depresija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM - University of Maribor
Publisher: [V. Filipič]
UDC: 616.12-008.46(043.2)
COBISS: 38052611 Link will open in a new window
Views: 470
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The psychological aspect of quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure
Secondary abstract: Heart failure is a chronic disease that impairs quality of life and causes a number of psychological disorders, especially depression and anxiety. In the concluding part, we wanted to investigate what quality of life patients have and what problems most often accompany them. A quantitative research method was used. The research was performed in the outpatient clinic for heart failure, and in the cardiology department in a tertiary institution in the northeastern part of Slovenia. A questionnaire with 24 closed-ended questions was used to collect data. The results were descriptively processed with Microsoft Office 2016 and IBM SPSS Statistic 27. The study included 60 patients with chronic heart failure. We found that patients were generally satisfied with their lives (n = 43, 3.98  0.83). Among psychological problems, sleep problems are in the first place (n = 40, 3.63  1.23), followed by anxiety (n = 32, 3.50  1.30) and loneliness (n = 19, 2.55  1.56). According to the classification of the NYHA (New York Heart Association), patients with chronic heart failure and a higher level of psychological problems more often classified themselves in the level where they have to reduce or limit physical activity to prevent deterioration of health. Psychological support from relatives and healthcare professionals is very important in patients with chronic heart failure. Anxiety and depression need to be identified in a timely manner so that they can be prevented and treated as soon as possible.
Secondary keywords: heart failure;quality of life;depression;care;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 26 str., 3 f. pril.
ID: 12079422