magistrsko delo
Leon Markelj (Author), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor)


V sklopu magistrskega dela smo obravnavali področje kompetenc na področju industrije 4.0. V podjetju Domel smo na področju oddelka avtomatizacije in digitalizacije proizvodnje želeli ugotoviti, katere so tiste kompetence, ki jih zaposleni potrebujejo za uspešno opravljanje dela. Zanimala nas je tudi zahtevana stopnja vsake izmed ugotovljenih kompetenc za posamezne skupine delovnih mest znotraj oddelka. Zaradi nenehnega razvoja tehnologije na področju avtomatizacije in digitalizacije potrebujejo zaposleni določene lastnosti, vedenja, znanja in veščine, da lahko opravljajo svoje delo. Cilji magistrskega dela so zajemali podrobno spoznanje področja kompetenc, modelov kompetenc in ugotovitev ter določitev zahtevane stopnje kompetenc na področju oddelka. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili trinajst kompetenc, ki so pomembne za uspešno opravljanje dela. Na podlagi raziskave smo dobili bolj jasno sliko, katere kompetence zaposleni v oddelku dosegajo oziroma presegajo ter katere so tiste kompetence, ki bi jih bilo treba dodatno razvijati. Menimo, da bodo ugotovljene kompetence v pomoč zaposlenim v oddelku pri razumevanju, kakšne lastnosti, vedenja, znanja in veščine potrebujejo za uspešno delo in doseganje ciljev.


kompetence;zaposleni;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [L. Markelj]
UDC: 005.3
COBISS: 35386371 Link will open in a new window
Views: 517
Downloads: 105
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Competencies development in domel
Secondary abstract: As a part of the master's thesis, we discussed competencies in the field of Industry 4.0. In company Domel, inside the department of automation and digitalization of production, we found out what are the competencies that employees need in order to successfully perform their work assignments. We were also interested in required level of each of the identified competencies for individual work groups withing the department itself. Due to the constant development of technology in the field of automation and digitalization, employees need certain traits, behaviors, knowledge and skills that they require for their work. The objective of the master's thesis included a detailed understanding in the field of competencies, competency models and determining of required level of competencies within the department. With research, we identified thirteen competencies that are important for successfuly performing working tasks. Based on the research, we got a clearer picture of what are the competencies that the employees in the department are achieving or exceeding, and which are those competencies that should be further developed. We believe that the identified competencies will help employees in the department to better understand what traits, behaviors, knowledge and skills they require in order to work successfully and achieve goals.
Secondary keywords: Competencies;Competencies model;Human Resources Development;Industry 4.0;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: V, 56 f.
ID: 12079734
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