magistrsko delo
Anamarija Novak (Author), Tanja Pate (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo je posvečeno doživljanju odnosa z očetom in vplivu slednjega na samospoštovanje pri mladih odraslih ženskah. V teoretičnem delu je zajet pregled vsebin s področja sodobnih družbenih izzivov mladih odraslih žensk, samospoštovanja, očetovstva in vloge očeta pri mladih odraslih ženskah ter vpliv odnosa z očetom na intimne partnerske odnose. V empiričnem delu je bil namen s kvalitativno metodo tematske analize raziskati doživljanje odnosa z očetom in doživljanje vpliva slednjega na samospoštovanje pri mladih odraslih ženskah. V raziskavi je sodelovalo osem udeleženk, starih od 25 do 30 let. Štiri udeleženke so bile v času intervjuvanja samske, štiri pa v partnerskem odnosu. Tematska analiza je pokazala pet glavnih tem. V okviru teme lastno samospoštovanje smo odkrivali, kako se udeleženke spoštujejo; v odnosu oče hči smo preverjali, kakšen je njun odnos. Raziskovali smo, kako hčere prepoznavajo očetovo samospoštovanje, se z njimi pogovarjali o intimnih odnosih, o preteklih oz. sedanjih partnerjih in z njimi prepoznavali podobnosti in razlike med očetom in partnerjem. Raziskava je osvetlila pomembnost vloge očeta pri doživljanju hčere, zlasti v povezavi z doživljanjem lastnega samospoštovanja in doživljanjem vseh ostalih odnosov.


samospoštovanje;odnos;oče;hči in partnerstvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [A. Novak]
UDC: 159.922.2(043.2)
COBISS: 34478595 Link will open in a new window
Views: 653
Downloads: 177
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Experiencing father's relationship and self-respect in young adult women
Secondary abstract: This master’s thesis seeks to understand father’s relationship and its impact on the self-respect of young adult women. The theoretical part includes a review of topics dealing with modern social challenges of young adult women, self-respect, fatherhood and the role of the father in the lives of young adult women as well as the impact the father’s relationship has on their intimate partner relationships. The purpose of the empirical part was to use the qualitative method of thematic analysis and study how young adult women experience father’s relationship and what impact self-respect has on them. The study included eight women participants aged between 25 and 30. At the time of the study four participants were single and four were in a relationship. The thematic analysis revealed five main topics. Within the scope of self-respect, we discovered how the participants respect themselves and investigated the father-daughter relationship. Furthermore, we studied how daughters identify father’s self-respect, discussed intimate relationships, past and present partners and together identified the similarities and differences between fathers and partners. The study brought to light the importance of the role fathers have in their daughter's perception of her relationships, in particular relating to self-respect and other relationships.
Secondary keywords: self-respect;relationship;father;daughter;partnership;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: VI, 92, II str.
ID: 12088809