primer Lizbone
Tonja Jerele (Author), Primož Krašovec (Mentor), Ičo Vidmar (Mentor)


Airbnb je spletna platforma za kratkoročno oddajanje namestitev in je tipičen predstavnik ekonomije delitve, ki se je razmahnila po ekonomski krizi leta 2008. V magistrskem delu sem najprej pregledala način delovanja Airbnbja in njegove učinke na urbano krajino, vlogo pri turistični gentrifikaciji in vpliv na delo. Izpostavila sem tudi, na kakšne načine se upira regulaciji in kakšni boji se bijejo za pravico do mesta. Vse te vidike sem nato skozi pregled literature, polstrukturirane intervjuje s ključnimi akterji na stanovanjskem področju in študijo primera z osebno udeležbo v podjetju X, ki se ukvarja z industrijskim oddajanjem prek Airbnbja, analizirala še na primeru Lizbone. Rezultati kažejo, da Airbnb sproža nadaljnjo financializacijo in komodifikacijo nepremičninskega sektorja, turistično gentrifikacijo, izselitev lokalnih prebivalcev iz središča mesta in degradacijo delavskih pravic. Ravno tako predstavlja velik problem za regulacijo, saj aktivno deluje proti kakršnemukoli brzdanju svojega delovanja. Poleg tega je za regulacijo in njeno izvajanje ključna tudi močna volja lokalnih politikov. Edina rešitev, da si lokalno prebivalstvo ponovno izbori pravico do mesta, je množičen, organiziran upor.


ekonomija delitve;Airbnb;turistična gentrifikacija;platformno delo;Lizbona;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Jerele]
UDC: 316.74:316.334.56(043.2)
COBISS: 55280899 Link will open in a new window
Views: 453
Downloads: 174
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Political Economy of Airbnb: An Example of Lisbon
Secondary abstract: Airbnb is an online platform used for short term accommodation rentals and is a typical example of the sharing economy emerging after the economic crisis of 2008. In my thesis, I focused first, on the mechanism of Airbnb operation, and what effect Airbnb produces on the urban landscape, its role in tourism gentrification, how it affects labour and resists regulation, and the resulting struggles for the right to the city. I then analysed these aspects on the example of Lisbon through a review of the literature, semi-structured interviews with some key figures in the housing issue, and an analysis of a case study with personal participation of Business X that focuses on commercial Airbnb rentals. Results demonstrate that Airbnb results in more financialisation and commodification of the real estate sector, tourism gentrification, the exodus of local residents from the city centre, and further degradation of the state of workers' rights. It also poses a great problem in terms of regulation: not only does it actively defy any attempts to curb its operations, but such action requires strong motivation on the part of local government representatives. A coordinated struggle becomes the only way the local residents can win back their right to the city.
Secondary keywords: sharing economy;Airbnb;tourism gentrification;platform labour;Lisbon;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 99 f.
ID: 12088815
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