magistrsko delo
Katarina Kuhar (Author), Klemen Potočnik (Reviewer), Silvester Žgur (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali razlike v razporeditvi maščobnega tkiva pri bikih cikaste in lisaste pasme. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 50 cikastih in 47 lisastih bikov. Ob doseženi optimalni stopnji zamaščenosti so bili zaklani v komercialni klavnici, kjer smo stehtali ledvično-medenični loj, popoln razsek klavnih polovic pa smo opravili v šolski klavnici in razsekovalnici, na Biotehniški fakulteti, Oddelku za zootehniko. Vsak kos smo ločili na mišično in maščobno tkivo, kosti ter kite, maščobno tkivo pa še na podkožno in medmišično. Izračunali smo deleže posameznih tkiv v klavnih polovicah in kosih ter deleže posameznih maščobnih depojev glede na maso klavnih polovic in telesno maso pred zakolom ter glede na skupno količino maščobnega tkiva v klavnih polovicah in v telesu. Pridobljene podatke smo obdelali s statističnim programom SAS. Cikasti biki so bili ob enakem deležu maščobnega tkiva (9,45 %) statistično značilno (p ⡤ 0,05) lažji, imeli so večji delež mesa (73,95 %) in manjši delež kosti (15,08 %) v klavnih trupih, kot lisasti (72,27 % mesa, 16,46 % kosti). Delež podkožnega in medmišičnega maščobnega tkiva glede na maso klavnih polovic in skupno količino maščobnega tkiva v klavnih polovicah se ni razlikoval med pasmama. Glede na telesno maso pa so imeli lisasti biki manjši delež ledvično-medeničnega (0,82 vs 0,79 %) in podkožnega loja (1,03 vs 1,11 %), glede na skupno količino maščobnega tkiva v telesu pa več medmišičnega (68,58 vs 66,12 %) in manj ledvično-medeničnega (13,63 vs 15,55 %) kot cikasti biki. Delež podkožnega maščobnega tkiva od vsega maščobnega tkiva v posameznem kosu je bil večji v vratu, stegnu, zadnjem bočniku in ledjih ter manjši v podplečju pri cikastih kot lisastih bikih.


govedo;biki;pasme;lisasta pasma;cikasto govedo;maščobno tkivo;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [K. Kuhar]
UDC: 636.2(043.2)
COBISS: 33432579 Link will open in a new window
Views: 452
Downloads: 116
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fat tissue distribution in Cika and Simmental bulls
Secondary abstract: In master's thesis we compared the distribution of adipose tissue in Cika and Simmental bulls. The analysis included 50 Cika and 47 Simmental bulls. The bulls were slaughtered when they reached the optimal fatness in a commercial slaughterhouse, where kidney-pelvic fat was also recorded. A complete dissection was performed in the experimental slaughterhouse, where each carcass cut was separated into muscles, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat, bones and tendons. Based on the data, the percentage of each tissue in carcasses or cuts and percentage of each adipose tissue depot according to carcass and animal live weight or carcass and body fat weight was calculated. Statistical analysis was performed by SAS statistical programme. At the same proportion of fat (9.45 %), Cika bulls had statistically significantly (p ⡤ 0.05) lower body weight, they had higher proportion of meat (73.95 %) and lower proportion of bones (15.08 %) in carcasses than Simmental bulls (72.27 % meat, 16.46 % bones). Based on carcass weight and total amount of carcass adipose tissue there were no significant differences in percentage of subcutaneous and intermuscular fat tissue between breeds. Based on the live weight, Simmental bulls had lower percentage of kidney-pelvic fat (0.82 vs 0.97 %) and subcutaneous fat (1.03 vs 1.11 %) whereas based on the total fat they had higher percentage of intermuscular fat (68.58 vs 66.12 %) and lower percentage of kidney-pelvic fat (13.63 vs 15.55 %). Cika bulls had higher percentage of subcutaneous fat from the total fat in chuck, leg, hind shank and loin and lower percentage in rib roast as Simmental bulls.
Secondary keywords: cattle;bulls;breeds;Simmental breed;Cika cattle;fat tissue;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VII, 32 f.
ID: 12091628